4-Catch me if you can

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Ruby's POV

Juan kissed my neck gently as I let out a low moan. The necklace I wanted was already in my pocket. Hidden from his eyes. He grabbed my pants and started to take them off. Soon he was rubbing my spot making me moan out loud.

The sound of the stores front door opening and closing. "Fuck I got customers. Stay here and I'll be back." He said licking his lips as we both fixed our selves. Once he left I took out the necklace and observed it.

"Your a beauty." I said smiling as I looked at it. The sound of a gun shot was heard startling me. Quickly I put the necklace back in my pocket and walked over to the door.

I was going to open it and make a run for it but the door swung open revealing 2 masked men holding me at gun point. "Get on the ground and stay there!" One of them growled at me.

"How about this you let me go and I'll let you leave unharmed." I said putting my hands up. "Fuck all that your coming with us!" The man taller than the other one growled.

"So from what I'm hearing is that you want this done the hard way." I said before swinging a stick I had grabbed at them. It hit the shorter guy making him fall to the floor shouting in pain.

I then kicked the taller guy making him stumble back and shoot the light. After I jumped over them and ran out the back room. But then I had an idea.

I jumped over the counter and grabbed all the money from the register before sprinting out the store. I shoved the money in my bra and continued running till I got back to my house.

The lights were out meaning my mom was asleep. So I just crept up the stairs and into my room shutting and locking the door behind me. Those fools thought they could catch me!

Now I'll have to watch my back incase  someone else decides to try to attack me. I took out the money in my bra and put it all on my bed. Business must be good cause I got about 10k from the register. Now it's mine.

Grabbing all the money I put it all in my book bag where I had stolen 5k from my ex best friends savings. So now I have a total of 15k. Putting all the money inside I closed the book bag up and put it under the floor board in my closet.

That was the only spot I knew nobody would look for it. When I was done I closed my closet and stripped out of my clothing. I usually sleep with just my bra and panties on so this was a usual for me.

I know my mom has to be worried about me. She cries herself to sleep whenever I'm out late. But she needs to realize that I'm going to be safe no matter what. She can trust me....

Trunks POV

"How the fuck did you both let her get away!" X yelled at me and ski as he paced back and forth angrily. "Vro look we didn't expect this bitch to be the karate kid! Cut us some slack already."

Ski said making my eyes go wide. X looked at Ski with nothing but fury. "Nigga what the fuck you mean cut you some slack! This bitch knows where the fuck we are! It's only a matter of time before she tells the cops!"

X screamed flipping over a table in anger. Everyone that wasn't X flinched at his actions. "Look I promise we will find her and capture her." I said fear coursing through my body. "You said that multiple times already Trunks! And look where the fuck we're at now!"

X snapped continuously throwing things around. "This promise is final and will be kept I can assure you of that boss." I pleaded with him.

No one's POV

X was beyond furious at this point. "I gave you to many fucking chances already Trunks. I'm going to have to let you go." X stated causing trunks to run up to him falling on his knees.

"Please boss don't do this! Look I know where we can find her address. We just have to go to Jason and he will tell us! He's her best friend they hang with each other all the time!" Trunks pleaded with X. X looked at Trunks and tilted his head.

"Where does this Jason nigga live?" X asked sending a wave of relief to Trunks. The other goons watched in relief as well even Ski. "He lives a block away from the corner store where we saw the girl. He's in the blue house."

Trunks reported to X as he took the news in. "Thank you for telling me this Trunks. You have made my job a whole lot easier." X said small smiling him placing a hand on his shoulder. "Your very welcome boss I promise you to never let you down again!"

Trunks said happily. "Trunks you can't fail me where your going. I'm going to promote you." X said as everyone started to cheer. "Thank you boss! Thank you!" Trunks said putting his hands together. "Your welcome. And oh Trunks?" X then said.

"Yes boss?" Trunks asked smiling up at him. "Say hello to God for me." X said before quickly pulling out a pistol shooting Trunks in the middle of his forehead. The others looked in horror as Trunks lifeless body was pushed to the floor.

"Get this shit cleaned the fuck up! Ski you follow me I want to speak to you." X said before walking over to the room in the back. Ski hurriedly followed after him while the goons got to work cleaning the blood off the floor and getting rid of the dead body.


I walked to my desk and placed my gun down once I entered my office. Sitting down I motioned for Ski to close the door and do the same. "I'm going to be going with you to this nigga Jason's house. If he doesn't tell us where she is then we kill him and whoever he lives with."

I said leaning back in my seat. "Vro I'ma be completely honest you should have kept Trunks alive so that he could get the information from the nigga's house. Then killed him after." Ski said scratching his head before sitting down himself.

"Ski I don't give a fuck about that. You are going to go in there and tell him that Trunks died off of suicide. Tell him that Trunks final words was to have you tell that Ruby bitch the news. Once we get the information we kill him and whoever the fuck is in that house!" I snapped making Ski shake his head.

"Alright fine. What are you going to do?" He asked curiously. "Well we are going to look up his location. See the build of the house. Might as well rob him while we at it." I spoke taking out my computer. "Alright let's do it. When are we going?" Ski then asked.

"Obviously we going at night. I'll have some goons follow him around undercover." Ski nodded his head before getting up to stand by me. That's when we got to work coming up with a plan to get what we wanted without alerting anyone.

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