Chapter 3

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I looked around at the other people. Leah and Arrow were purposely burning their marshmallows. Aiden was inside, and Zoe was attempting to climb a tree.

"I wonder how the people at the tents are doing." Eric said.

"I'm sure they're fine. I mean... everyone except Audrey. She seemed to not want to sleep there." I said. Eric laughed.

"Yeah. She kind of reminds me of Aniah from back at school." He said. I nodded in agreement.

Daniel sat up. 

"I need to use the bathroom. I'll be back in a bit." He said. As he walked away, I remembered what I saw in the bathroom earlier. I hoped Daniel came back safe.




Scarlet was sitting at the tents. Audrey was groaning in the corner of the blue tent. Connor was doing the job of killing spiders so Max wouldn't freak out. Holly was looking through her bag. "Has anybody seen my pocket knife?" She asked.

"Uhh.. why do you have a pocket knife?" Scarlet asked. Holly looked up. "To cut things like vines and ropes. Duh." She said. Scarlet nodded. "Okay, but why do you need it now?" She asked.

"I saw a rope earlier. I thought I could use it for something." She said. "But I can't find the knife. I could have sworn I put it in here." She said.

Suddenly, we heard a snap from the woods. Audrey crawled out of the blue tent.

Connor looked up from killing spiders, and Max looked into the woods. Scarlet also squinted, trying to see. 

A shadow emerged from the woods, getting closer to the tents. Scarlet could soon tell it was a person. He had a black and white prisoners outfit, and a weird Halloween mask. In his hand he had something shining. Holly gasped. 

"He has my pocket knife!" She whispered. The man raised the knife, aiming it at the group.

"RUN!" Connor shouted.

And they began to run to the cabin, the man chasing them

Camping 2 [INSPIRED BY THE ROBLOX GAME]Where stories live. Discover now