Chapter 2

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Y/N slowly fluttered her eyes open, blinking as she eyed her surroundings. 

"Y/N? Y/N? Are you alright?" Hermione whispered worriedly. She slowly got up as Harry and Lizzy helped her, she massaged her temple  as she sat upright on her seat.

Just then, a hand holding a piece of chocolate reached out in front of her, she stared in confusion. "Chocolate. Eat. It'll help." Lupin told. The girl reluctantly took the piece of chocolate from him and held it. She frowned as she tried to make out what had happened.

The group held troubled faces as they watched the Ravenclaw, "What was that...that thing?" Harry questioned. "A Dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban." Lupin told, he observed the Ravenclaw's distressed face as she stared into the compartment door.

"It's gone now." he comforted, the Ravenclaw snapped out of her gaze and to Lupin, who gave her a comforting smile, she nodded and gave a small smile in return.

"But what are they doing here?" Aidan questioned, "It was searching the train, for Sirius Black." Hermione mumbled. Y/N face went pale, she felt her heart drop, knowing that the man who hunted for her and her 'brother' could've been on the train.

"You alright?" Caleb questioned, the girl snapped out of her thoughts and looked to Caleb, she slowly nodded, " I'm fine." she mumbled.

"I need to have a word with the driver, excuse me." Professor Lupin told as he stood up from his seat and out the compartment door before leaving he turned around to look at the Ravenclaw once more, "Eat. It'll help." he smiled. The Ravenclaw glanced at the small piece chocolate in her hands and slowly plopped it into her mouth. Lupin then closed the compartment door and made his way down the train.

The Ravenclaw glanced at the group and leaned back into her seat, letting out a soft groan as she shut her eyes closed, trying to process everything. "What happened to me?" she mumbled in a low frustrated voice.

"Well, you sort of went..rigid. We thought maybe you were having a fit or something." Ron told. The girl adjusted herself as she sat upright again, "And did any of you...pass out?" she questioned, eyeing the group as they shook their heads.

"No, I felt weird though." Lizzy told as her face formed a frown, "It felt like I'd never be cheerful again." she continued. 

The Ravenclaw glanced to the bushy-haired girl sitting across, "You? You alright?" she questioned, Hermione slowly nodded as she fiddled with the zipline on the Ravenclaw's jacket.

"I was quite cold. But nothing too bad, the jacket helped a lot though." she told shyly, her cheeks brushed a light pink as she ducked her head down, hoping no one would notice. The Ravenclaw noticed, a sly smirk formed on her face as she leaned back onto her seat.

"We all felt weird, until Professor Lupin made it go away." Aidan told. The Ravenclaw nodded and glanced to Harry who seemed to be deep in thought.

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