Chapter 16

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Y/N and Hermione were in the library as each of them were busy scribbling down words onto pieces of parchment, their textbooks on the side as they scanned it through from time to time. The Ravenclaw scribbled her last word onto the parchment as she sighed and leaned back into her seat, her eyes fluttered closed as she pinched the bridge of her nose.

Hermione glanced up to see Y/N's slightly distressed state, her eyebrows furrowed together as she placed her quill down to the side, "What's wrong?" she questioned as Y/N fluttered her eyes back open and adjusted her seat.

She shook her head slightly before burying her face into the palms of her hands, "It's nothing, just tired I guess." she responded lowly as she grabbed another piece of parchment from her bag and started to scribble down more words.

Hermione's lips pursed together as she observed the girl across her, dark circles were formed around her eyes, her face slightly paler than usual, her lips were dry as her eyes were slightly red in color. The bushy-haired girl's face scrunched up slightly as she continue to observe the girl, "Y/N have you been sleeping well?"

The girl slowly lifted her head and noticed the pained look that the bushy-haired girl was holding, she slowly and reluctantly nodded her head, "I-I've been sleeping fine." she convinced with a slight shrug but Hermione didn't seem to buy it.

She crossed her arms as she leaned back into her seat, she sent Y/N a pointed look as she sighed, "You expect me to believe you? Have you seen yourself in the mirror? You look like you haven't slept in days." she scoffed as the Ravenclaw stopped writing on her parchment and placed her quill down to the side.

Hermione felt slight guilt at her sudden harsh ton as her face slowly turned into an apologetic one, she leaned forward as her hand reached over to intertwined it with the Ravenclaw's, her thumb slowly caressing her hand, "Please, Y/N. Just let me know what's going on, I hate seeing you like this." she told softly

The Ravenclaw sighed as she started to play with the ring she had give to the bushy-haired girl during Christmas, she rubbed her thumb over it as the words 'Forever Together' appeared, a small smile rose to her lips as she watched, "It's just, I guess, about Buckbeak's sentence." she murmured softly.Hermione eyed the girl skeptically before she tilted her head slightly, "And?"

The Ravenclaw glanced up to the bushy-haired girl's pleading look, she leaned back onto her seat as she placed her hands onto her lap, her fingers fiddling with one another as her head was ducked down, "Sirius." she mumbled lowly.

Hermione sent the girl an apologetic look as she knew how much everything's affecting her, with the Dementors, Sirius breaking in and Buckbeak's sentence, she couldn't help but feel her heart ache slightly for the girl. Y/N slowly lifted her head, she held a slightly worried expression, "He could've gotten to you or Harry or Ron, or anybody really, he could've hurt all of you." she whined in a hushed tone, her voice breaking in the slightest bit.

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