Chapter 20

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Y/N and Harry rushed through the forest as they searched for a certain man. Both of them panting as they ruffled through the tall grass that would lead them towards the Black Lake.

The girl felt her heart drop, her eyes widening in concerned as she abruptly stopped. The raven-haired boy noticed as he quickly motioned through the tall grass and trees and stood next to the frightened girl, his eyes widening as well at the sight.

Sirius's body could be seen curled up, laying on his side, not a single movement was made. "Sirius!" Y/N called loudly but no response. She sprinted towards his Body as the raven-haired boy trailed behind, she kneeled to her knees as she turned the man's body, letting him lay on his back.

The girl felt her heart sink, her stomach drop, he seemed lifeless, there were big bloody cuts across his chest that tore through his clothes, clawing his skin. The girl searched for a pulse, a small sigh in relief sounded as she felt a slow heartbeat thumping against her fingers.

"Sirius.." Harry muttered out but again no response. Suddenly, a cold breeze brushed passed the duo, a sudden drop in temperature could be felt around them.

Y/N and Harry's eyes widened as they watched the edge of the lake slowly freeze itself, turning into ice as it spreads across the lake. The entire lake was now frozen, turned into ice. Then, a sudden sharp gasped emitted from Sirius.

The duo's head shot back to Sirius as he gasped heavily in fear, his chest heaving up and down, his eyes were wide open as he stared into the sky. Y/N and Harry slowly lifted their heads up, their mouths parted in fear at the sight.


A swarm of Dementors swarmed them as they circled directly above them, shrieks echoed as they continued circling. Just then, a Dementor lunged down from the swarm towards Sirius, he shrilled in pain as smoke was sucked out of his body from the Dementor.

"No!" Y/N cried out as she stood up and grabbed her wand from her jacket, she poised it as Harry followed along beside her. "Expecto Patronum!" they casted as a thin silvery wisp weeped from their wand, shielding Sirius and them as a few Dementors attempted to lunge at them.

Then, the wisp disappeared from their wand as Dementors flew towards them. Y/N felt her knees hit the ground as a burning pain shot up her spine, the feeling of her soul being sucked out. She could hear Harry and Sirius groaning in pain as more and more Dementors attacked them.

They were surrounded with Dementors, Y/N never felt so helpless, so weak, she tried to fight through it but it was too strong, her energy was drained as the Dementors continued to suck the soul out of her. Their groans and whimpers growing louder and louder every second that passed.

Suddenly, a Dementor lunged towards Sirius's helpless body and sucked everything that was left out of him as he whimpered loudly. After a few seconds, Y/N and Harry watched a silvery feather of light tumbled from his lips, his body turned pale, cold, lifeless.

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