Chapter 7

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"Are you getting this?" a voice whispered, a few people snickering after. "You know she's going to murder you right?" a female voice told in a hushed tone. 

The Ravenclaw frowned at the noise, her eyes still shut as she groaned. "she's waking up!" a boy's voice warned.The Ravenclaw slowly fluttered her eyes opened as she looked across the room, Harry, Caleb, Aidan , Ron and Lizzy stood there as they innocently grinned. 

The Ravenclaw gave them a puzzled look before she looked to the side, instantly feeling her heart melt as she watched her arm over the bushy-haired girl's waist who was still sleeping. She grinned as she watched the bushy-haired girl's relaxed state.

The group let out soft snickers causing the Ravenclaw to look back at them quizzically, "What're all of you doing here?" she questioned in a low raspy voice as she just woke up. Caleb shrugged as he slightly swayed back and forth with his hands in his pockets, " had an eventful night?" he asked as he flickered his eyes between Hermione and her.

Y/N rolled her eyes as she sat up, her back leaning against the headboard, "You guys ever heard of privacy?" she scoffed.

Just then, she felt the bed move as Hermione turned to lay on her back, stretching her arms out before slowly fluttering her eyes open. "What's with the noise." she whispered in a raspy voice as she rubbed her eyes. 

"Morning" Ron greeted, the bushy-haired girl startled at the voice as she observed the friend group standing at the door.

"What's going on?" she asked, her cheeks starting to heat up as she remembered what happened yesterday night, she quickly ducked her head down trying to hide her flustered state.

 The group snickered as they noticed, the Ravenclaw shot the group a glare, her face forming a frown as she eyed the raven-haired boy, "Harry you were in on this?" the Ravenclaw asked in an offended tone.

The Raven-haired boy rubbed the back of his head as he averted his gaze from the Ravenclaw, "I didn't really had a choice." he muttered lowly, Y/N scoffed at his words.

"So....looks like you two had fun?" Lizzy teased playfully. Hermione rolled her eyes as she looked up, "Oh please. Nothing happened, Y/N offered me to sleep on the bed that's all, plus we were sleeping in the same dorm, if anything happened you would've known." she retaliated as she started to get off the bed.

Caleb sent the Ravenclaw a sly smirk as she felt her cheeks flush pink, "Nothing. Happened. We're just friends, what could've happened?" she scoffed as she got off of her bed and headed to her closet. 

"Yeah, whatever." Caleb deadpanned. "Anyways we've got defense against dark arts in 10, better hurry up." Aidan told as Y/N nodded in response.

The group now left the room, leaving only the Ravenclaw and the bushy-haired girl as they got ready. Y/N went through her closet as Hermione headed to the bathroom. She took off her hoodie and sweatpants leaving her only in her undergarments as she slipped on her skirt.

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