Chapter 8

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"For merlin sake, Ronald Weasley! Would you stop eating like a gorilla!" Hermione scolded as the red-haired shot the girl a glare, his face stuffed with biscuits. The group snickered as they watched the two. Suddenly, a group of boys barged in the Great Hall laughing catching Y/N's attention.

She observed the group, seemed like fifth-year Hufflepuffs. As her eyes trailed along the boys she locked eyes with one of them, he was tall, really good-looking actually, he had golden brown hair and blue eyes.

He let out a friendly smile and wave as the girl smiled and nodded back. Caleb who sat across noticed as a small smirk rose to his lips.

The Ravenclaw shifted her gaze back to the table keeping her smile.She felt a pair of eyes staring at her causing her to look up to be met with the dark-skinned boy smirking at her.

Her smile fell and turned into a frown, "What?" she asked. Caleb shook his head, "Don't 'what' me, you know what I saw." he teased playfully.

Y/N rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as she leaned back into her seat, "No, I don't." she scoffed. Caleb gave the girl a bored look, "Seriously? You and Cedric Diggory just had a moment." he mused as the girl laughed.

"We had a moment? Really? Please. It was just a friendly gesture." she retaliated as she rolled her eyes.

Suddenly, her eyes widened, "Wait. Cedric. Diggory? Like Quidditch Captain of Hufflepuff..L-Like the Seeker of Hufflepuff?" she spluttered as Caleb snickered at the girl's reaction.

Caleb nodded his head, "Yeah...That's him. Cedric Diggory." he confirmed. The girl let out a nervous laugh as she flickered her gaze towards the Hufflepuff table, once again locking eyes with the blue-eyed boy who grinned at her, the girl returned one back before shifting her gaze back to her food.

"Ohhh, you've got a crush?" Lizzy teased playfully as Y/N gave her a unamused look, "No. He's not my type. I'm interested in becoming. Friends." she restated as Lizzy rolled her eyes. "For now. Maybe." Lizzy pointed out.

The Ravenclaw shook her head, "Yeah whatever." she concluded as she looked again to the Hufflepuff table, this time their eyes not locking but the Ravenclaw smiled as she watched Cedric and his friends laughing in conversation.

However, Y/N hadn't realize that the bushy-haired girl who sat beside Lizzy was listening the entire time, she felt small feeling of jealousy rise as he lips pursed together, a scowl forming on her face as she watched Y/N staring at the Hufflepuff.


It was a little past 11 as the group had now returned to their dormitories, Y/N however, decided to head to the library instead, she didn't mind staying up late as it was a Friday, meaning she doesn't have school the next day. She figured she'd read more about charms and potions considering Harry and her are still being hunted.

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