Chapter 11

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It's been a few days after the incident at Hogsmeade, the duo hadn't talked much about it since, every time someone from the friend group tried bringing it up they'd change the topic every time or brush it off like its nothing.

"Good Luck later, be sure to get that win for us." Caleb teased playfully as Y/N chuckled softly, "You know I will." she responded confidently. "It'll be our last game before the holidays." she continued with a sigh.

Just then, Fred and George approached the Ravenclaw table, Fred was seen holding his broomstick. "Oi, Y/N! Here you go, be sure to not break this one yeah?" he told teasingly as the girl rolled her eyes, "No promises." she countered back as she took the broomstick.

"This baby will get you that win for sure." George bragged as the group of Ravenclaws snickered softly. "It better." Y/N responded as the twins motioned back towards the Gryffindor table.

Then, a taller boy approached the table with a sly smirk, "Y/N, better not go easy on me." he challenged. The Ravenclaw rolled her eyes playfully, "Never intended to." she countered playfully. "Better not go easy on Cho." she teased as Cedric's cheeks flushed a light pink.

"Aw..Ced feeling a little bit flustered?" she mocked as Cedric playfully rolled her eyes, "You're a cheeky one, Y/L/N." he spat as the girl shrugged in response. "See you on the pitch." Cedric told as he left the table and motioned out of the Great Hall.

Y/N smile fell slightly as she stared at the broomstick laying beside her, slowly brushing her fingers against the wooden tip of the broom. Lizzy seemed to notice as she leaned closer to the girl, "Don't worry, there won't be anymore Dementors near the pitch." she comforted.

The Ravenclaw sent her a thankful smile and nodded as she stood up. "You'd be playing keeper this round right?" Aidan questioned as the girl nodded in response, "I'll be sure nobody scores on my watch." she mumbled competitively.

She took her broom and motioned towards the Gryffindor table where the golden trio sat, "Hi Y/N/N." Harry greeted as the girl approached the table. "Good luck out there." Ron mentioned as he sent the girl a smile. "Thanks, Ronnie." she replied.

"Don't die." Hermione told as the Ravenclaw playfully rolled her eyes. "Can't get rid of me that easily." she scoffed as Hermione snickered softly. The two girls locked eyes, Y/N stared into the same glittering brown eyes that she could never get bored of, the sun shone in at just the right angle as Hermione's features were more astonishing than it already is.

The two girls got lost in their own little world as they stared at each other. Ron and Harry exchanged a sly smirk as they watched, the red-haired boy then faked a cough causing Y/N to pull away and look over to the two boys who held smirks.

"Don't you have a game to get to?" he questioned. The Ravenclaw rolled her eyes, "Thanks. Ronald." she deadpanned as she glanced back to the bushy-haired girl and sent her a smile before motioning out of the door.

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