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Time flies soo fast now type is in 8th month....its really hard for type now a day but tharn and his dads are to make everything easy ...but still moving sitting washing. Everything is just  a mess for type...

Kong and arjith went to london to do some business finalists so that they can peace fully enjoy with their sons.

Tae and tharn went to office to finalise  some projects..where beam is only one in home with type...

"Dad..where is everyone" type came walking to hall..beam immediately  help type to sit on sofa...

"A small work

All will be here for lunch do you want something "  beam asked..

Huh...type shout
What happen.
Beam asked worriedly...

"I think the babies are active..they are kicking.."..but beam can see the unusual pain in types face..he himselfnis a he knows everything..

"Where is the pain?" beam asked...

Here type showed and rest his head on back nod sofa...

"Just now or is it from a while" beam asked...

"From the morning but not regularly..with time intervals..." type said still enduring the pain that his babies are giving....

Beam.placed his hand on types stomach....he knows that type will go to labour at any moment..

Beam smiled..he knows what to do..telling type at this time is not a good  because type will one is here now...

"Rest I will be back after a call"  beam said ditching his phone...

Type smiled and rest his back..
Beam went to kitchen  and called the para medic team from outhouse telling g type condition..

He called hospital to make all arrangements

Beam called tae and tharn in conference call

"Baby..dont panic...just listen to me calmly..I think type will go to labour ..the pain has already started but for now they are mild..".beam said giving a panic attack to both dad and son..

" still 8 th month" tharn said
."I know but we cant say anything..male pregnancy is rear and it's a miracle to go this far....and we know about babies...I thought which miracle will last for 9months but know its quick." ..beam is talking...

Tae and tharn ran to their car with out disconnecting the calll...and listening

In hall type was thirsty...because of pain he didnt eat anything from a while..and his troat is dry now..
He look  for beam but his dad is on phone in kitchen...

He see a water jar beside the aorta.. a bit fat
.type try to fetch for it...but of no use..he bend a little more to fetch the jug and get it
.when he hold the jar to drink..a suddenpaininvades and the glass jar fall down making the loud sound in an empty mansion...

"Dad.."..type shouted...making beam tae and tharn stopping his hearts ...
beam run to type

" what happen"..tharn and tae are panicking otherwise...

"Please get to hospital soon "beam cutter the calll..

Baby he hold type...types labour started  and he cant bear the pain

His loud voices making the empty mansion go throw earthquake ...
Sad..its so painful I cant take this pain

Type is shouting....I want tharn

"Please dad call him.".type is shouting ..
I will baby
. Try to calm down..suddenly door open and para medical team came to type and check jim..let him move....the specialist said...and looked at beam..and beam know that look.. which is not good...the ambulance is ready and they move type to thatand started for hospital..

Beam is holding types hand and making him distract...but of no tharn
..type shouting

Beam immediately call tharn

"Dad how is type...I am on the way..:tharn said

"He is in pain baby..asking for you.
.talk to him...and you know what to do" beam handed phone to type

"Baby..I want to see you.."type said sobbing...

"I am on the way baby...i will receive you when you reach hospital..."
It...its  painting...i cant bear this..".type is sobbing tears are falling...

Tharn closed his eyes for a secondand said...
"You know what baby...i love you so much..we came this far  for our lovely babies and you should endure a little to welcome our babies to this our world..think about the faces of our babies...and how it feels when we hold them...." tharn is trying his best to calm type...

Hearing tharns words..make type a little bit time the ambulance stopped before the hospital ..

Tharn run to the ambulance and hold types hand.

"Baby.dont worry everything will be alright
.I am here " ..tharn is giving as much support as possible..beam and tae are so their holding types other hand ..and giving hom support...

Tharn kiss type forehead ."I will their for you...dont worry...everything will be alright..."

Our babies type said.
As much as bearing the pain..

"They are fine....dont worry" ..tharn said

"Baby" tae and beam called..."we are here for you

Everything will be alright.. so dont panic ok...".they said and type node ...

The operation started...and

That's it for this part

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Thanks megha

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