i love you...💗💗💗

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When type went home he found tharns room empty....he can feel the bad vibration around him....

He immediately called tharns phone but its switch off.. he was frustrated.many bad thoughts entered in his mind...

He called cham.
" cham found out where tharn is..." type almost shouted

" god type.. am I your servant why you always order me.?.." cham also shouted at same pace...

" please cham..he is missing...I hav to talk to him..." type almost pleaded..

Cham can sense something is wrong..

" give me 5 minute " cham said...

After 2 mins type phone ring and find that tharn is leaving for london on next flight

Type ran to airport....he was prying god that he should hav a chance to meet him...

He rushed to airport though security try to stop him....he ran Like a mad man..but he was late because the plane to london is ready to take off and in run way already...

Type kneel down on the floor and was crying...."tharn come back I hav so much to say "type was shouting....

Suddenly a hand land on his shoulder...when he look its one of the chief security their

when he look its one of the chief security their

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/* phana will be our chief herè*/
" what happen..." he asked type...

" he is leaving me..I wanna say that I dont hate him..." type said and pointed to the plane which is ready to take off...

The officer immediately stoped the plane.

Tharn was sitting with heavy heart on his seat..tears are flowing like waterfalls from his eyes....he knows if this plane take off from Thailand then he will never gonna see type....he lost everything...

He lost his love..heart...Soul everything

But suddenly an announcement make him open his eyes...

"Mr tharn....please come to security office now.. its emergency.."
Tharn was frozen in his place....sir screw was calling him to get down....that he has to visit office immediately...

"Tharn ..dont leave..came back.".tharn can hear types voice...from the mick...

Sir...air hostess shock him ..

"Huh..ya.".tharn run when he again hear types sobs from Mike

Type was crying...

"Type "tharn was stunned when he see types state...

"Tharn" type run to him and hug him....

"Why you are leaving me...." type was crying while hugging tharn more tightly....

"Type calm down" tharn made circles on types back to calm him..

When type was silent..
Tharn took types face in his hands and swipe those tears.

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