past always crawls back....

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"Sir "one of kongs man ran and showed the photos to him...

Kong....placed the photos before prince..

"Are these 3 who made you unconsious"

Kong asked prince

Prince wipe his tears and looked at the photos...

"Yes..these are the three....".prince said

Arjith..hav a look at this" kong said and both came near kong....

"Dean..."beam and arjith said at once when they recognize one of the three man....

"What?" tae walk fast and take the photo from kongs hand...

"Did I make a mistake when I leave him. 20 years back..I should hav killed him. Back then..."tae shouted while he was crushing the photo...

Beam and arjith collapsed o  the couch they are shivering...

"He is back....he is back....".beam and arjith are mumbling...and they are badly shaking...

Tae and Kong engulfed them In their embrace....

"Shhh baby....calm down...."

"My baby...tae..type...we hav to save  him..."

Beam was shouting....

Arjith was in bad condition and was shivering  badly...".he is back..he will kill all of us.....type we hav to save him..."

"Type  is in danger."..beam and arjith are shouting like they are in some coma....

Kong and tae embress them.s.they thought all their love make beam and arjith forget about their past...but no...still their something that  is still freshen  their

Tharn, p, cham and prince are all in shocked seeing like them...

Tharn know how great their dads are.
They never fear for anything.. especially beam..he is called a cold hearted one...though everyone say tae and kong are scary but he know they also scared from beam and arjith...

But seeing them like this makes him shocked...

Especially his world is shaken when he hear that type is in danger.

Tae dailed a number immediately...

Cham was shocked when he see kit and ming his parents enter the house with wide steps

"Dad..".cham called shockingly

But kit and ming never answered them...and ran to Bean.and arjith  who are in some trauma...

Kit immediately  gave some injection  to both beam and arjith and they fall a sleep...

Both are taken to the bedroom and all came back to living room where tharn is waiting for some answers...

"How are they"  tea asked

Tae and king  fall on the couches like someone drained their energy....

"They are fine.".kit replied...

"What is happening here ?"tharn asked

Kit and ming share a notable look

Where tae and kong are silent they dint n ow what to say....

Every thing is back to square one.....

When no one talk...tharn got super angry

"Dads..."he shouted.....

"Who is dean.....?"

"Why he took type....?"

"Why dad beam and arjith are like that?"

"Why are you 2 like this.....?"

"What us happening here...?"

So many questions  but no answers..which is making tharn more furious.....

"He is  my uncle....."kit answered suddenly  and everyone turn to him...

Ming came to hold kit who was shivering badly.....

"He is the one who killed my parents...."

"He is the one who abused me sexually  for years...."

"He is the one who kidnap beam and arjith who try to help me...."

"He is the one who did the same to beam and arjith  and make then mently shocked"

"If it's not for tae and kong  may be we are still in that's bastereds jail till now"

Everyone was shocked hearing kits confession....

"He was in jail , how come he is here and why did he take type..."ming questioned

"Ofcourse for revenge...."kong said

Tae made a phone call then he said

"Dean released last month..."

"That's means he was planning all this..."kong said

"May be "ming said

"What should we do.".kit said

"What take care of beam and arjith and we gonna kill him this time so that he wont crawl back "tae said

Kong node....and ming tooo

Kit sign...all went out to catch dean...

"I will come with u ,I cant  sit here like this when type is in danger "tharn said

"I will. Call you when we catch him.."tae said and went on

And kit sit on couch..tharn and cham came to kit

"Dad ,what happen? please tell us" cham said

Kit laugh but it didnot reach his eyes...

"My parents died when I was 15 years old...all our properties along with my dad my uncle handles them..when they died he took over the business....
Since I am minor.."

"First it was all ok...but I dont kow what went wrong....I dont know, he started abusing me...."

"First i protest but when I learn  there is no one to help me in this then I silently accepted it...the only thing I asked In  return was to continue my studies.. "

"He accepted that with some conditions...:

"I was planning to finish my studies and when I am major I will take over the business from uncle...and abounded  him on roads....i  suppress every pain under my teeth for that day...."

"When I entered university I met with beam and arjith ...we three became friends...good friends but still I didnt tell them anything..."

"That's when I met tae kong and ming..".

"At that time beam and tae are in love and Kong was courting arjith...ming always follow them to our facultly..."

From the first he always hav crush on me but I didnt accept him because i know I am not good enough for ming.."

"Like that a year pass...beam and arjith accept tae and kong...and they are soo in love..but me ...I cant dare to accept ming though I love him so much...."

"But ming didn't stop courting me...and when one day when he came to drop me.. he kiss me in front of my house.. though I resist first last I melted in his warmness..."

"But dean saw that...that's the start of hell in our days "kit said

That's it for this part

The photo was dean who is the villain  .

I dont know who he was but I see that photo and it just shoot the imagination of the dean in my story.

I used it.

Hope all dont mine

Thanks megha

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