what i really feel?

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After a while...type is in manufacturing department and cham in financial.

Its tharns order that they dont work in same department at once....

Cham signed..."he is cruel..".type laugh..and both went in.

The secretary introduce type to head of manufacturing department tew...

He was charming and handsome on his own way .

type open his mouth when he see tew and gasped for air....

tew smiled

"hi type" tew said

"hi..."type hold his hand for shake......

Tew is a easy going guy .he can be so friendly with everyone so easily and he get along well with type ....

Type was so bubbly and easy going. mingle with new people very fast if he feels secure and friendly....otherwise he wont see a single glance to them no matter who they are....

In tharns office....

"Hello tell me what you find about TT orphanage.."Tharn said when he receive a call from his men

"That orphanage belongs to type and cham..both started that,a year back and hav almost 30 homeless children... of different age.
They provide everything and children all are going to prestigious schools."

"Wowwwwww ,so he uses tee and taes money to do some good work.."tharn said

"You are wrong tharn " the other man said

"What do you mean by that ?"tharn asked

"Tee and tae dont know about that orphanages...."

Tharn remember the scene at breakfast table how type calm cham about telling

"The home, how do they manage the expenses .are they having sponsors..."

"Ya they hav but only 2 or 3 who are his college friends...."


"Type and cham hav 2 own business of their..."

They hav 2 start up businesses. Do you know about the online store... "FRIENDS."    ,    ".HAVE FUN..".  his man asked

"Friends.. ya it's a leading online store .earns good name with their quality and loyalty in a small time...even we got a business offer back then. But since we are not in to online back then we reject the approval "tharn said

"That store belongs to both type and cham.they both started it a year back and they maintain it well now and along with that they hav invested in so many start up apps for their friends and they earn from that also..."

Tharns man said..

"Tharn"...after a small silence on both sides..the man said " type is different"

"Why is that...?".he has lot of money from parents but he don't use them for anything.he earns his own and uses them for good...but still he is not show off....

"Fine that's it .if you hav any other information call me..".he said and cut the call.
Tharn was in his own thoughts..

"The type he knows....
Who is baby,innocent, pure depends on his parents...Dont hav anything but who is the type that he is seeing now"

"He is so different...."tharn thought and he remembers his papas arthits words..

"The type you know is different from the type you will see now...
Meet him once..."

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