addicted to your lips

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The morning sun raised both of them...

Tharn was so happy the he see sleeping type in his arms....type was like a baby he pout his lips and yet his face looks like he is its shining..tharn cant say particularly  but he cant take his eyes from type...

Especially those pink lips..which are inviting him for a kis...

It's not the first time tharn felt like this..the first time he fell for type...was for those lips...he kept looking at types lips all the time when type talks...

It's like everytime type open his mouth to speak..its like asking tharn or inviting tharn for a kiss.....

Suddenly tharn bent and kiss those lovable lips of his husband...

A minute later he felt types lips moving along with his and then he see type awake from his sleep...

He was about to back off but type grab tharn by nape and deepen the kiss...

Minutes later when left those lips they felt  like they miss something....

Aftert taking a small breath tharn again lick type lips and kiss him..this time it was a bit slow and little...

"Morning love "tharn said

Type hug him and said

"I dont wanna get up "type said hugging tharn

Tharn smiled  happily...and hug back type..

"Even I dont want to ,but you know it is 10 and this your stomach needs some food..."

Type stomach  growled for food

Type laugh...."but still I wanna hug you more..."

"Even I too and if still hug u for more than a minute I wanna fuck you good.."tharn said

"I am ready "type said smiling....

"I dont want to feel week after I started so I need stamina..let's get our food..take shower then we will continue our session.."

"Do we hav too.".type said

Tharn smile.."then let's do this.."

He take the phone...ask the food to deliver at their steps....

Before they come he take type to bathroom and both showered of course a hot  shower with hot session...

Its really hard for tharn to stop himself when he see how the water flow on types body. Especially those lips...

The water on types lips is making tharn tempted all the way...type see how tharn is controlling himself...

He cruelly smiled and wanted to add petrol to fire....

He lick his lips in slow motion which made tharns bulge even hard and spat like spring...

Tharn step back a little where type didnot give any time to tharn he immediately grab tharns bulge  and squeeze  it

Tharn close his eyes and moan.

"Baby .stop it...I dont wanna hurt you more....please "tharn is pleading...he know he did rough last night and its types first time..he want to make sure type heal first before he do again..but he dont know type has other plans...

"So want..may be that's what I want..."type said and started moving his hand

Tharn hold the wall and fist his wrist like a ball..he was loosing his self control..but still he was trying g to control which make type surprised. he dont know tharn had this much self control...

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