cant you accept me

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"What did you say to type" cham shouted

"Its non of your business" tharn said casually and went back to sit on his chair

"Non of my business"

"Do you even hav any idea what he went through when you left him..
you are not beside him.. I am."

"I know.."
"I see how hurt he is..and I dont want him to go through all that again because of your stupidly...."

Tharn narrow his eyes.

"What happen?" thatn asked

S"hould I tell you how you hurt him."

"Look cham ,I should not talk to this to you but i will tell you one thing....
I am straight at first...."tharn said

"Then why did you kiss him bastered "cham storm on tharn and hold his color

"Will you listen to me for once ,then i will give you chance to kill me" this time tharn hold champs color....

"when i meet type i was attracted to him..the way type talk the way he smile there is not a single thing that I was not attracted to me ."

"Then I came to rayalisation after that day at tees house that i am not sure that I am physically attracted to him or to his soul..."

"Because I never swing this way....that's why I ran away....not because I am coward but I want to know what I really feels to ward him..."

"If its physical only then...its going to hurt everyone ,his parents, my parents ... me and mostly type...which I cant see that no matter what...."

"What did you figure out of your so called feelings "cham mocked tharn

"I loved him....."
"Should I believe that...."cham moked again

"what you want me to prove...its not an equation..".tharn said

Look tharn...

"Look cham....first listen ,I know what I did to him is wrong but it's better to hurt a little ..if he involve more.if its too late.he will hurt more....."

"Ok fine."

Cham was about to go out...

"Cham...."tharn called


"Can you help me.."tharn asked

"I want long on my side."

"You know how he me to convince him...please"

Tharn pleaded...

Cham look straight to tharns eyes he see sincerity...

"Ok fine......what you want me to help with.."cham asked

"Tell me about his likes and dislikes...."

Ok cham explained everything...
"Thanks buddy "tharn said..

"Remember one thing bastered....if you hurt type in anyway I am the first one to chop you to pieces...."cham said while holding his color....

"That day will never come" tharn said amilingly...

Cham went out...
Tharn dailed his secretary no..

"Come in..."tharn said when he heard the knock....

"Sir...""do you know about TT orphanage.."

"I heard sir."

"We are going to sponsor that organisation...but SECRETLY."

Tharn said

"..we will sponsor them but they should not know I was behind all that.."

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