combination 0f beast+ devil

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Cham and type are in the office after they visited the orphanage...

All the children are so excited to meet type ..

"..p..when is your husband coming here..we want to meet himmm" all the children are shouting...

" I will bring him in few days" type promised them...

Then they spend some time their and went to office...

"Type "his team leader called...

"Yes p ..".type bowed a little...

Though every one knows now type is the owner of the company but type didnot like the positions like that
. So he ordered everyone to treat him like intern until he finishes his term...

"This is prince. A new intern for one month.".he introduced.

Type shake his hand but he immediately withdraw when he see prince evil smile....he didnt like how prince hold his hand ,shake..he immediately know that he has different intentions...but stay calm and went on.....

"Type ,you and price will work under tharn for this last month along with his that you will know some basics for how to handle important projects.".team leader said

"Ok p" type node...

"Both your desks moved to tharns office beside his desk.. so that you will see how he handles the projects..."

Both node...and gone to tharns office.

They knock the door and hear tharns voice

"Come in "tharn said

When type and prince entered..tharn smiled....

"Oh you 2 came...I think p already told about your work here this last mo th..I hope you will learn more before you go from here" tharn said

Type node..but prince..he acted super smart with his words he try to attract tharns attention.

Tharn was professional..he was a true business man..he met so many people on his way here so he knows who acts and who dont...tharn notice the irritation on types face when prince approach him...

He wants to he shake prince hand welcome him which irritate type more...but he smirked....after prince type went to tharn...and said

He shake tharns hand more tightly and dont miss he was pressing tharns foot with his and said

"I am glad to work under you sir...hope I learn more from can teach me more.".type said...while gritting his teeth with cold tone but with a smile on his face...

Dont ever ask what tharn got with his small teasing to make type jealous...

Tharn was holding his voice..he want to shout...because his hand and leg both are smashing under a bulldozer
But he smiled because he cant do anything before prince....

Prince see the awkward situation but when tharn smiled he smiled too..he didnt suspect any thing....

The first thing is prince didnt know about tharn and type relationship is  he came here from a small village just to do the interen ship... just 2 days back..he didnt hear about their marriage..

Prince has high standards...since he live all his life as poor person..he always want to be like tharn..let's say tharn is the role model of prince.
He studied hard and came first in every when he accepted for intern ship at tharns office..he jumped. Like a child...

Every thing is good in prince but he always use short cuts to achieve his goal..

He wants tharn for that he will be avoiding his poor life for the rest of his a small part of his heart he likes tharn tooo....its just an admiration he misunderstood himself

But when he see type for the first time...he fall for his charm...its ,like at first sight...he also heard more about type from his team his next target when tharn happen to fail is type..

He did not know  the relationship between tharn and type....

Both prince and type went out of office...when they heard tharns shout...

Type smiled mischievously..he douge is head through the door and asked innocently

"Sir ,is everything ok ...."he added a small smile tooo

Tharn who was in pain..just looked at type and warned calmly

"It's ok.. you go.".he acted..

When type and prince gone...he called his secretary to get a first aid kit..

"What happen ?"his secretary ask when he enter...

Tharn show his leg which is red like cherry and swollen like watermelon..

"What did you do?" he asked surprisingly when he see that

"Dont some thing "tharn said holding his pain...

"Dont tell me you tease type..and type did this to you...".he asked

"How do you know "tharn asked surprisingly...

"First tell me what did you do "he asked

"I..I.. just want to make him jealous so I flirt with prince....."tharn said...and looked at his secretary...

"What you did...".he asked again...

"A little p.just to tease him..."

"Are you joking...its just been a week after your marriage, you flirt with other man before your husband that too to make him jealous..."

"God tharn..when will you grow up.."he said while frowning hardly...

Tharn didnt say anything but p applied tube and gave him ice pack to reduce the swollen leg...

"It will be fine in an hour...".he said and get up.

"An hour.."tharn said sadly....

."I will postpone your meetings to tommorow..take rest.."p said

"No I will be fine.".tharn said and try to get up but he mesarabully fall with pain..

"Trust me it wont heal today..may be dont argue and listen to me" p said

Tharn just...node his head

P stopped before he go out at the door ..he turn and said

"tharn..."he called...

Tharn look at p..p wont called him by his name until it is serious matter...

Tharn look at p...

"Listen to me...carefully the boy out their is not calm..innocent...and silent like he look..he is the combination of devil and beast never mess with him..".p said seriously..

"I learn my lesson" tharn said

P node and went out...

Tharn look at his leg which is swollen, red and in watermelon size....he sign..."what did I dig myself into.".he sign and close his eyes....

That's it for this part..

Guys I hav a questions..

From the last parts I observe that the reads are 700 but the votes are just 50..

I just asking ,if you guys hav suggestions just tell me...
what u like?
what u dont like..?
what u that...?

Means you read but not vote means the part missing something...

So let me know guys..if you feel comfortable telling me...

It's simple favor to know my stories....please help me...

Thanks meghaa

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