magic spell

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Hi guys.i want to say something about arjith name as mention earlier part.

Actually name is Arthit but I changed to arjith, since arjith is my favourite singer.

But I used Arthits photo from dont get confused,I just changed names but not person.
Hope you all like it


"Tee tee...."early morning tharn was shouting comming from the steps...

Tee is cooking breakfast and tae is reading his files on his laptop at dining table.

"I will look "tae said and strode before tharn..

"Not you dad ,I want papa tee" tharn said seeing tae before him.

"Why ?"tae asked

"I want to shower.."tharn said

"You want tee to rub your back "tae asked

"That would be good "tharn said while scratch his unitchy head

"Do you hav a death wish early this morning .."tae crossed his arms above his chest...

" ,my shower is not working.thats why...."

Tae raised his brows.
"Can I shower in your bathroom." Tharn asked

"No...."tae shouted."thats my personal."

Tee ran to tae and tharn..
"What now ?"tee asked

" not"

"I dont want anyone in my bathroom."
Tee know how possissive tae is, to his things.

"Tharn take shower in types room"

Tharn slipped the steps....
"No.."he shouted

Now tee and tae both crossed his arms above their chest..

"I dont want him to see me naked..."tharn said and clicked his tongue.....

"I mean he will feel uncomfortable. about guest room "tharn asked

"It's under repair and type is not in his room. He will return at 8 so go hav 1 hour.."tee said

"Where did he go this early" tharn enquired

"He will go for karate class at 5 and do his jogging and will return at go on"tee informed...

Tharn was surprised about this new information.but he go to types room. To hav shower.

Types room was very neatly arranged..its his first time in types room

The walls has types enlarged photos

A side there is a rack full of books.

Tharn took sometime to look around and went to hav bath.

Whe he was showering type returned since his jog was completed fast.

He throw himself in bed for some time.when he heard the bathroom door open he look that side and has became iceberg in his place.

Even tharn is same..

Tharn came with bath towel.

Type open his mouth and right now he dont care how many mosquitoes are going in his mouth.

Tharn was the first who is out of that and said "good morning type..."

"Uncle tee not working so my shower said to hav bath here....."

Type raised his brows..."what...?"

I mean
"My shower is not working..uncle tee asked me to hav here... "tharn said as fast as he can and ran from their...

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