fools in love

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The whole day tharn waited for type to come and console him..but type didnt even message a lovely new husband...

Tharn realised one thing...dont ever never tease type with things like this....

So he ordered flowers like usual to his desk to say sorry.....type saw but didnt reply anything

By the evening the swollen part came to normal and redness also reduced..but there is still pain....

Tharn called type but after so many attempts type lift the phone but did not talk....

"Sorry baby.".tharn said

"Can you come to office..please...I will explain..."tharn said

Again no voice from other side...

"I swear baby I love only you..I never ever look at others.. you know me well..."
Again no voice...

"Please was just a joke..I never ever tease you like that..I promise..."

That's it the call cut....

Tharn was stunned w... to convince type now..he was thinking....suddenly his office room door blast and he see type who is very angry....

Tharn stood up dumb founded.....he was stonned to the ground

"What did you say ?"type shouted...

Tharn was stunned by angry type and his cold voice.

"You flirt with other guy before me and say you wanna tease me...:
Huh type shouted

Tharn swallowed his dry throat...

"Tell me"

:Baby its..just..."

"What if I do the same before you...".type asked

"I will kill both of you "tharn shouted.. and grab types color..

"See that how I feel when you did that...".type said

Tharn slowly release types color and grab his cheeks...

"I am sorry baby..really i mean it..and i promise i wont ever look at others..even to tease you..please for give me..i will accept any punishment please "tharn was pleading....

Type see how sincere tharn was but still

"Fine..any punishment....."type asked

"Ya long as you are not angry on me..i will do anything..."tharn said

Type.think some time...

"Today you will sleep on couch in hall" type said

That words ,it's just like tharn thought only he got earth quacks under his foot...his world is shaken like tsunami..

" that...I already said sorry..please...I cant sleep without you..."tharn pleaded....

"Fine then you can sleep with me today type said...and tharn feel cheerry blooms surrounded him..tomorrow I will go to my house for a week and you wont follow that ok.."type said

Tharns face fell...."its better to murder me baby.."tharn said

"That was the initial plan when you flirt with other guy...but still I love you and I want you in my this will be a lesson for life long.. what do you say.."type asked

Tharn has no words but to accept the punishment...

"Fine I will sleep on couch today.".tharns shoulders fell and he fell weak all of a sudden and fall in the couch.....

"I will survive this night but dont leave me for a week..I will die.".tharn said..and fall a sleep on couch.....

He crul like a baby in womb..hugging his legs and closed his eyes...

For a moment he thought....

He know he loves type so much but he never expect that the feeling..just the feeling to stay away from type..will make him a patient...

He didn't know type has this type of effect on him
.he didnt even believe his words that he said to type minutes back....

Type is his life....he got that and he cant live without him....tharn realised that back also..but now he realised he cant survive even a minute with out him....

The thoughts make tharn weak ..his mind was weak.he dont want to think anything....just like that he falll asleep

Its one ever dared to wake tharn even his secretary tried but tharn didnt he called type and state tharns condition

" go..I will watch tharn" type said when he reach tharns office

"Type...just a little advice.."

"The one that is here looks like a gangster...cold person....straight foreword...who can answer every one in the world with his just like a baby before you...."

"So please dont be hard on him..I am 200 % sure he wont survive...."p said to type...and he was stunned to see tears in types eyes

"Type what happen why are you crying..."p asked

"I am afraid p.."

Type said

"What for.."he looked confused at type

:That i will loss know when I crush his leg morning my heart bleed...and cried but still I hold it..."

"I cant live with out him p..what if someone catches his eye and he leaves me...I am sure I will die..."type said crying....

"Ohhh god.."p hold type in his hug...

"You both are you 2 know that.".p said

Type just cried like that...on p shoulder..

"I cant live without him p..I love him so much...."type wispered....even p has tears in his eyes....

He made type sit and gave him water

"Look type..tharn loves you so much....some time he was like a small kid..who thinks chocolate is good..but like parents..we hav to control him..that's it.."

"and I know what you did this morning is like a father you punish his child who smoke ..but I am just telling you like a mother you should hold him tight..."

"I know p..but.."

"Shhh take care of him "p said and went out

Tharn who was a sleep before listen everything what p and type talked...tears fall from his eyes....but he pretent he was asleep

After p went out type went to tharn and place himself beside tharn and hug him..

That's it for this part
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Thanks megha

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