type is missing

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It's been 20 minutes that tharns landed in airport....but still there is no sign of type.....

He called type so many times but all his calls went to voicemail..tharns didnt expect that...he thought type will be waiting for him in airport and kiss him senselessly.

He was getting frustrated every minute...

After 1 hour of waiting....tharn called p and asked about type...

The answer make tharn confused if type came to airport then where did he go...

Then he called cham....after 2 calls cham lifted

"I thought you two both are fucking in airport and never ever give a thought to call me "cham teased tharn

"Stop it cham where is type..is he with you "tharn asked

The question shocked cham.
"What are you talking..he went to airport to receive you..didnt you meet him "cham questioned back.

That question made tharn surprised...

"But I hav been on airport for an hour and there is no sign of him and all my calls went to voicemail..where is he cham. "Tharn shouted

That made cham straighten his back.".I really dont know tharn...he said he will go to airport to receive you...after that I didnt hav no chance to talk to him"

Cham said

tharn was worried now...he want to see type right now...that's it...

"Tharn come home we will see where type went"

Tharn meet cham at his house entrance

"Cham where is type "tharn asked

"I dont know tharn.he is no where in house or in office
I called him...so many times and all went voice mails"

"I called many office staff and no one know where he is..".cham said

Tharn collapsed on the road

Cham try to hold him but of no use...

"Where is he?" tharns voice was so low it's like all his energy was dried at once....

"Let's go to police" tharn said

"No tharn..he is adult..they cant file the case until the person is missing for 24 hours..." cham said

"Then what should i do I want type now.....I wanna see him ..please do something cham...."

"Dont be a kid tharn..type is not a baby..let's wait.."cham said

But tharns heart know that something is wrong....he had a bad feeling about it.....

All the night...cham and tharn search all places where type would possibly go...but the luck is not on their side and no matter how much they tried they can't find types where abouts....

Its 11 in the morning next day and still there is no news of type...tharn was like all his blood was stained from his body and he look like a sick man on bed for months...

P and prince came to tharns house...

Prince was startled to see types photos on all walls ....and he was more stunned when he see tharn and types wedding laminated big photo on the main entrance hall

That morning as usual he came to office but its unusual that every was tensed and wandering...he was thinking was asking what happen...p called him

"Prince ..did you by chance know where type went last night..".p asked

"N..no..p...you remember I went for field work yesterday and didnt came to work at alll" prince said

"Ya I know...but by any chance did you hear from type anything..."p asked

'Yes p..he called me in the evening and wished me...he said he has an important work...then he cut the call" prince said

"Ok let's go..."p said

Tharn asked us to come to his house...

Prince didnt ask why what or anything..

He was in his own thoughts when their car stop at the house which was so breath taking...

And he was shocked to see types photos in the hall...

"P,These" he pointed to the photos...

"Wow..I forgot..tharn and type are husbands...last month they are married... "p said

"But..but..type...."prince try to say something

"Type dont want anyone know this..he was simple and want to be someone.. no one knows about this...".p says

"P "tharns voice made p and prince...flinch on theirfoot...that voice made everyone scared

Then they see tharn was walking like a predator who was ready to kill everyone...

Prince take 2 steps back automatically and he was shivering like a prey before lion....

"What happen did you find anything " tharn shouted on p..

"No boss....type lastly talk with prince .".p said

Tharn look coldly at prince...

Prince shuttered...

"He just wished me..that's all" prince said

Tharn walk slowly but coldly looking at prince.. prince automatically backed his steps...

When was step away from prince sweat break on prince like he was drained in waterfall

Then a cold voice was heard..even the breaks on the wall... shivered for a second.

Tharn look at the source and tears breakdown immediately..he ran to the source

Tea beam arjith kong was standing on the entrance with cold expression

Tharn ran and arjith hug him...

The person who looked like lion a minute back now he is like a small baby now

Dads....tharn collapsed on the floor...beam hug him...but tae and kong looked like predator who will kill everyone before them

"Where is my baby?" tae shouted which make tharn ,p ,prince ,cham beam even arjith feel a bit scared .....

"I want every one dead who eyed my baby " kongs voice echoed in the place

Prince was covered in all sweat...

That's it for this part

Thanks megha

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