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Four years ago

Amani approached her boyfriend of two years. Her ex-boyfriend now, because he had just ended things a few weeks prior. He was a hustler and work was his main priority. But now Amani's problems were bigger than a breakup over a job offer. She had just found out she was with a child. His child. After hours of anxiety and worry, wondering what she would say, wondering how he would respond, it was only one way to relieve the stress. If she would tell him.

The words came out hesitantly. "I'm pregnant."

Kareem, the father of her child, face was blank. He showed no emotion. He showed no joy or happiness, he should no regret or remorse. He simply responded, "I'm only twenty, Amani." Amani's face dropped. He noticed and offered her a token of sorrow, "I'm sorry, but I can't."

Amani ignored his excuse and admitted to him her truth. "I can't do this on my own, Kareem. I'm scared and I want to keep my baby."

Kareem shook his head, "I'm sorry, Amani, but I have a work deal. If I don't take this I won't be offered a great opportunity like this ever again."

Tears then formed in Amani's eyes and before she could wipe them away, they flowed down her face. It was a cry for help. She forbade her child to grow up without a father. She forbade the abandonment of her child. "Kareem, she needs you. Please stay with us." Amani was now pleading for the life of her child. This was an unselfish act, but it never crossed Kareem's mind.

"I'm sorry." Kareem eyed Amani with a slight frown.

Houston, Texas
7th July 2021

"No pants!", Ariyah, Amani's daughter, yelled at her mother. "I don't want pants!"

Amani had been chasing Ariyah around their home for the last twenty minutes, trying to get pants onto her daughter. The toddler just wouldn't give in. She wasn't even done with her tasks, she still had yet to pack the child's bags so she could visit her father for the weekend.

It was a two hour drive from Houston to Austin and Amani was willing to take the trip. She would do anything to improve the relationship between her daughter and her daughter's father.

"Come on, Mamas," Amani told her four year old daughter. "Let's put our shoes on so we can see daddy." She tickled Amiyah's tummy and she let out a soft giggle. She then slid her hand over her daughter's newly done braids. It helped that she had done Ariyah's hair because Kareem wouldn't have known what to do with it.

Amani found the relationship between Ariyah and Kareem important. Being that she lost her own father to a plane accident when she was two, she knew how it felt for a father to be absent in his child's life. It was hard that her father was gone, so she knew it was harder for a father to be alive but still not be there for his children. And she didn't want that for her daughter. She didn't want Ariyah to have daddy issues and as tough as it got, she never gave up on their relationship.

Kareem was a workaholic and he was married to his work. He owned a multi-million Cyber Security Company that he inherited from his father. His work ethic wasn't chosen, it was engraved into his bloodline and that made it much harder for him to push away from it. He made tons of money and he was able to give Ariyah what her little heart desired. But she needed more love than materialism. Amani wanted Ariyah to have those memorable moments with her father. She wanted those moments that Ariyah could tell her descendants. She did not want her child to be scared by the abandonment of her father. Ariyah was growing up and it was happening fast. She wanted Ariyah to have a strong relationship with her father before it was too late.

Thankfully, Amani's mother was in her life and she taught her to be strong. Amani was a fully licensed nutritionist and she had started a clinic earlier that year. Unlike Kareem, she knew how to prioritize parenthood and work.

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