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Monday had come again so quickly, the beginning of the week was always the busiest for Amani. As she walked Ariyah to school hand-in-hand, she began to make mental notes about the things she'd be doing that week. She thought about a few errands she'd have to run. Once they reached the entrance of the school, Amani knelt to her daughter's height to give her a warm hug.

"I'll see you later baby, be good at school. I love you and I have a surprise for you after school", Amani said hugging her lovingly before kissing her cheek.

"I love you too mama!", Ariyah smiled running through the school gates, she had always loved school and she enjoyed making friends and learning every day.

Amani walked back home to get ready for her day at work, she specialised as a child nutritionist and loved her job because she knew she had worked hard to get there. She put on her blouse and trousers before slipping into her heels and walking out the door to drive down to her clinic. She arrived twenty minutes early, after greeting her co-workers and went into her office fridge to grab a pot of yoghurt before her first client came for their consultation.

As she straightened her blouse and put her heels back on she spotted a tall, darkskin man with a young girl that he carried with her head on his shoulder. As he spoke to the receptionist his dimple sank deeper and deeper into his cheek. He walked towards the office door and Amani continued staring before they locked eyes for less than a minute, and he knocked on her glass door, the smile never leaving his face.

"Good morning, Miss Perry, I had an appointment for my sister's allergy tests today", his deep voice rasped out making butterflies quickly flutter in her stomach.

"Yes, I will take her now, hello Milan", Amani smiled at the six year old girl in front of her. "You can call me Amani and I am going to ask your brother a few questions before we start the skin patch test and your blood test, is that okay with you."

Milan nodded her head, making Amani and her brother smile.

Amani began to fill in the questionnaire with Mr Jones, at some points she found herself constantly looking into his eyes. The way he spoke to his sister made Amani admire his mannerisms.

Around thirty minutes later she was done and would have to take the blood sample to a lab to get the results. She confirmed Mr Jones' details and gave Milan a sticker and a bag of candy to say well done.

"Thank you for coming in, I'll be sure to call you with her test results, have a good day sir and you did so good Milan."

"You too ma'am", he smiled. "Say thank you Milan", he spoke to his  sister.

He continued smiling and waved at Amani before he closed the door.

: The man who came in today is fineeee, and he brought his lil sister in they are both so cute🥰.

Jamila🥀: Girlll you better shoot your shot👀.

Kaia🦋: How fine, fineee fineee or just fine.

: fineeee fineee, but I have another client. I'll see you at our nail appointment Friday and we can talk?

Kaia🦋: yes sis, see you then.

Amani shook her head playfully at her friend's antics and continued her paperwork for the day. It was now 2:30 and Amani knew if she didn't start to pack up she would be late to pick up Ariyah. As she drove towards her school Amani couldn't wait to hear about Ariyah's day at school, it had become her favourite part of the week since she started school.

She parked and slipped her heels back on before climbing out of the vehicle to collect her daughter. As she walked around the noisy playground looking for Ariyah she couldn't find her. Amani made her way to Ariyah's classroom where she was greeted by her childhood teacher, Mrs Sammy.

Mrs Sammy was a tall black woman, in her mid 50's or early 60's but you couldn't tell because she didn't look a day older than 40. She greeted Amani in a hug and was eager to see the young girl she taught, now a grown woman with a daughter of her own.

"Good Afternoon Miss Perry it's always a pleasure to see you, did we have an appointment that I have missed", Mrs Sammy giggled.

"No, I was just looking for Ariyah. Normally she is at the playground waiting for me but I couldn't see her", Amani sighed worryingly.

"Oh, her father, Mr Davis collected her half an hour ago, she seemed very excited to go with her daddy, is there a problem, do we need to contact anyone Miss Perry", Mrs Sammy's smile began to change.

Amani kept her cool and simply replied, "No, it's fine I must have forgotten he was picking her up, thank you Mrs Sammy and enjoy your evening'', she walked away with a smile back to her car to call Kareem.

The phone dialled twice before Kareem answered.

"It's mama, hi mama, I'm having so much fun!", Amani heard her daughter's voice in the back and suddenly felt a sense of calm that she knew her daughter was safe and happy, but still felt betrayed because Kareem knew their schedule and didn't contact her first.

"Yes baby, it's mama let me talk to her first and then you can next", Kareem smiled back at Ariyah.

"Kareem why would you take her without asking me, I was so worried about her, you missed your days with her, but she is with me now under my care if you want to see her tell me and I will be happy with it she is your daughter too Kareem but you need to communicate with me!", Amani whisper shouted, to show she was stern but didn't want Ariyah to hear, her parents yelling at each other.

"I told you I was taking her to the zoo when I'm back but I apologize and next time I will inform you before I pick her up", Kareem replied nonchalantly.

"Thank you that's all I want, I am happy she is happy and when you are finished can you bring her to my mother's house, because that's where I will be", Amani smiled as she saw Ariyah coming back into the frame of the camera.

"Say bye to mama", Kareem spoke gently to Ariyah as he tickled her sides making her laugh uncontrollably.

"Bye mommy see you later! Thank you for the surprise of daddy seeing me". Ariyah laughed at the faces her dad was making in the camera.

"See you later Riri, be good for daddy, and bye Kareem we will talk later". Amani said, continuing to smile at her daughter.

"Bye Mamas", Kareem winked before ending the call.

Amani blew out some air and rolled her eyes before driving towards her mother's house to spend the rest of the evening.

Amani blew out some air and rolled her eyes before driving towards her mother's house to spend the rest of the evening

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Thank you so much for all the love on chapter 1 and I  hope you are enjoying it. I'm sorry if it's boring right now but It will eventually pick up.

Amani is a good mom but also a very hard worker.

The man who came into the clinic today👀

Opinions on what Kareem did?

We will formally meet her best friends next chapter.

SCORPIOPHILOSOPHY for helping me with edits.

Thank you again for reading❤️

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