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"You are 5 weeks pregnant Amani, up to five percent of home pregnancy tests give a false negative . Your fainting was a result of your lack of eating, so make sure you are getting enough calories and nutrients we're having a baby", he kissed her cheek as she replied'' yes.", the nurse spoke to Kareem and Amani.

Amani nodded her head slowly, smiling slightly at the nurse before turning her head to Kareem and a sleeping Ariyah on his lap.

Kareem rubbed Ariyah's back in circles once more before he spoke, "You happy mon Cherie?" he asked as she replied "yes".

The whole car ride was silent except for Ariyah's light snores and the brief eye contact at the red lights. The tension in the car was high till they arrived home.

"Ri will wake up in a few hours, she been sleep for too long", Kareem chuckled, walking into their bedroom removing his white tee. "You mad at me baby?"Kareem asked, walking closer to Amani as she sat at the edge of the king size.

"Not mad annoyed, you lied Reem, you promised you wouldn't. You told me you never dated after me let alone you have a secret child, I don't know how to feel Kareem, I don't know about us. I'm pregnant it's too much to deal with right now", she replied struggling to hold back her tears.

"Baby, I had no idea, I'm not even sure the child is mine. I promise I would never do anything to jeopardize what we have, I love you, Amani. It was one night I slept with her. You can throw what we have away because of that babe", He spoke sincerely looking into her eyes. "I'm sorry baby please let me sort this out a-, and find out about this child."

Amani replied "okay" before going into Ariyah's room to check on her.

Amani sat playing with Ariyahs curls in her mother's home, with her Layla, Kaia, and their children.

"I'm pregnant, six weeks pregnant", Amani spoke as all their jaws dropped and Ariyah, who was sitting on her lap turned round with her hands over her mouth and her eyes lit up.

"A baby? I get to be a big sister, omg I'm so excited", She spoke touching her mom's stomach giggling making everyone in the room coo.

"Are you excited Mani, what's wrong? "Layla spoke, noticing her change in attitude after the excitement died down.

"I mean, me and reem going through stuff", she said not wanting to expose their business. She trusted Kareem wholeheartedly and she didn't believe that he would purposely hurt her, their relationship and their family. She began to feel selfish for the way she reacted but her staying in a relationship with Kareem if the child was his crossed her mind way too often.

"I hope y'all sort out whatever it is, you really are soulmates", Kaia pouted, making Amani smile slightly.

"I got a lil' nephew in there hi TT's baby", Layla spoke trying to take her mind off things making everyone laugh.

"How you know it's a b-" Amani replied.

"I just know", she laughed back.

On the other hand, Kareem was panicking, hoping and praying that the child wasn't his, selfish as it sounded. The test results were now being processed and he knew he would step up to his responsibility if he had to however complicated it would make him and Amani's relationship.

His life had just finally sorted itself out, he was happy. He was with the love of his life and their daughter. He was loving life, and with another child, on the way, he wished life was less complicated.

His thoughts were distracted as Ariyah came running into their home, the beads on the end of her braids  clanking as she moved.

"I missed you so much daddy", Ariyah flew into his arms, no matter how old she got she was always a daddy's girl. Amani melted at the sight of their interaction making her also forget every ounce of her previous worry.

"Riri go wash your hand's mamas so we can eat", Amani spoke to her almost walking past Kareem before he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her down onto his lap.

"You were gonna walk past me without saying hi?" he said, kissing her repeatedly on her cheek making her giggle.

"I'm sorry", Amani replied before turning around to give him a kiss. "Are you okay baby?", she asked.

"No, are you okay, Mani, I'm sorry about this added stress", he spoke gently as she stared down at him. "I'm all for you Amani and I've always been and always will be, I promise whatever the outcome you will always be my one, mon âme soeur et mon ange. I love you Amani Sakina Davis. I'll make you my wife one day, you, Ariyah and our baby in here are the light of my life", he concluded resting one hand on her stomach.

To say that all Amani's worries had now faded was untrue, but it was the reassurance she needed.

"I love you too Kareem Davis".

I'm sorry it's been a while y'all, i've missed it💞This chapter was really short i'm sorry, but just a little filler before some stuff take place

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I'm sorry it's been a while y'all, i've missed it💞
This chapter was really short i'm sorry, but just a little filler before some stuff take place.
Ignore any errors.
Our girls PREGNANT, y'all want a girl or boy?

Kareem? his baby

Opinions on how Amani felt? how would you react.

Thankyou so much for reading
I love you guys so much.
Ps; my first book and it's a short story so i will probably end on chapter 20ish.
Thankyou again🤎.

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