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It was the last day on vacation, this had been Amani's favourite trip so far and as much as she missed work, her home, family but most of all Ariyah. This was Amani's first and longest time without her daughter, she missed her endlessly.

"Baby, you wanna get in the shower with me?", Amani above the water making Kareem smirk. The last few days she had been getting used to calling him her boyfriend again she really enjoyed it, he was perfect for her. They were perfect for each other.

"Tonight bae, I promise we have a date, remember", he called back as she stepped out with her towel wrapped around her and the drops of water glistening on her deep brown complexion. Kareem stared at her dragging his eyes across her whole body.

"Put yo clothes on ma, we have to go", Kareem said while Amani grabbed her whipped shea butter and clothes taking them into the closet to get dressed.

As they walked out onto the beach a picnic was set up with all of Amani's favourite snacks and candy.

"Reem you remembered", Amani said hugging him as she saw the sour patch kids, she loved since they first started dating.

"Of course I did", He replied, pressing a kiss to her forehead before they both sat down.

They never ran out of things to talk about and while they ate they continued sharing the highs and lows of the past four years.

"Mani, I keep saying this but I am so privileged to have you in my life again after everything I put you through, I promise to love you forever. The love I have for you and Ariyah runs deeper than you will ever imagine. I promise one day I'll make you my wife. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I hope I can make you happy. You are a beautiful, amazing woman and mother. I thank God every day for sending you. Ou se Zanj mwen(you are my angel). Thank you for everything." He concluded and by that time Amani was crying, after all the years of wishing, life would have played out differently for her and Kareem she was grateful for him. He gave her a daughter, her greatest gift.

"Kareem, I don't even know what to say. I love you", she cried into his chest, she felt content.

After their picnic, Amani wanted to relax on the beach and facetime Ariyah.

"Mommy, daddy hiii", she cheesed in the camera. "Me and Ava are having so much fun, Ava say hi to my mommy", she shouted making her parents laugh.

"Hi TT, and Unc Reem", Ava waved, making Amani smile back at her as both girls gave them a rundown of their day, every little detail down to what they ate.

"I'll see you tomorrow Ri, we love you", Kareem ended the call and as promised he allowed Amani to take pictures of him.

"You look good bae let me post them, please", Amani pouted knowing that was the only way to get what she wanted.

"You look good bae let me post them, please", Amani pouted knowing that was the only way to get what she wanted

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Amani.Sakina: My forever❤️.

"You still spoilt after all these years ma?"Kareem asked, wrapping both arms around her waist kissing the side of her face as she blushed.

Austin, Texas

"Terah says Ri is begging to stay an extra night, so we can pick her up tomorrow", Amani spoke to Kareem as she changed into an oversized t-shirt scrolling through her phone.

"Mhm so you gonna spend the night baby", Kareem asked and Amani nodded in response coming into the bed to cuddle with him for the rest of the evening.

"Ariyah", Kareem called out to her as they sat in Wendy's.

"Daddy", Ariyah answered back in the same tone making both her parents laugh.

"Me and your mommy need to tell you something", Kareem continued, as Ariyah smiled with excitement. "Me and mommy are dating, mommy is my girlfriend again", he tried to explain as simply to his four year old daughter and as smart as she was he hoped she understood.

Ariyah began to smile and put her hands over her mouth dramatically. "Oh my God this is so cool, can you kiss so I believe you", She spoke making her parents laugh again and Kareem pecked Amani's lips gently increasing Ariyah's smile.

On the journey back to Kareem's house Ariyah didn't stop asking questions and Amani was happy to answer them all including her questions about a new baby.

"Daddy are you going to marry mommy?!"Ariyah tried to whisper but of course, Amani heard her which made her giggle.

"I hope to marry mommy I promise okay", Kareem replied and Amani's heart was instantly warmed.

"Your daughter has so much energy", Kareem chuckled walking down the stairs after putting Ariyah down. She had been playing for 3 hours straight and drained the energy from both her parents

"My daughter, she yours", Amani laughed while playing along as she traced his tattoos with her nails, it was one of her favourite things to do. "When did you get this one", she pointed to an 'A' with a crown on his chest, Amani had obviously noticed it before but never asked.

"Our second anniversary, it's now for both of you. Amani and Ariyah.", He spoke back gently keeping their eye contact as she smiled.

"I love you Kareem", Amani said, kissing his lips twice before he deepened it.

"I love you too, Amani".

"I love you too, Amani"

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Thank you so much for reading this chapter and I hope y'all enjoyed.
Ignore any errors.

This was just a cute lil filler before Christmas, so there not much to say but leave any general thoughts.

I appreciate all of you so much, Thank you again.

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