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"Okay, I'm here to pick up Ariyah, I'll talk to you later?", Amani spoke on the phone to Silas.

"Sure baby, later hi to Ariyah from me." Silas smiled back at her.

A month had passed since their first date and they had been on many more since. Amani enjoyed his company and in the short two months, they had known each other Amani felt happy and very content with how her life was going.

Next week she was going to Jamaica with Kareem and Ariyah. It had been a while since she had travelled out of the country so she was exhilarated to be spending time with her family. She and Kareem had made major improvements in their relationship and he continued to prove himself and be more in Ariyah's life.

"Mama!", Ariyah ran giggling towards her mother. "I missed you, mommy, daddy took me to build a bear", Ariyah continued to ramble making Amani smile.

"I'm glad you are having fun baby, go and get your shoes and bags so we can go see TT Layla, is that okay baby", Amani spoke to Ariyah tickling and poking her sides before she put her back on the ground and she ran upstairs into her room to do as she was told.

Amani sat on the couch scrolling through Twitter while she waited for Ariyah to be done.

"Mani", Kareem shouted from the kitchen making Amani stand up to see what he wanted.

"Yes, Kareem you ok?", Amani replied as she entered his kitchen.

"I'm fine, you good ma?", Kareem asked her as he licked his bottom lip. "Where is my princess, y'all staying for brunch I made french toast and waffles."

"Riri is upstairs and getting her bags but we could stay for a bit. I forgot you could cook." Amani teased Kareem making him dramatically roll his eyes as they both burst into laughter.

"I bet you forgot a lot of shit I could do", Kareem joked back as he winked making Amani's laugh even louder.

"Kareeemmm stop", Amani whined playfully. "Your daughter is in the house, stop cursing".

"Sorry mon Cheri (my darling)", Kareem winked again as Amani began to laugh.

Ariyah came down and they began to eat as the conversation carried on playfully till they had finished.

"Mommy, Ava's mama having a baby!", Ariyah began speaking excitedly. Her best friend at school and her Godparents were pregnant again and she had become so excited and not stopped talking about it.

"Yes, Riyah TT Terah and Uncle Roman are having a baby tomorrow we are finding out if it's a boy or a girl are you excited!", Amani smiled back at her enthusiasm as Ariyah nodded making her parents smile.

"How did the baby come in there?"Ariyah asked, tilting her head inquisitively as both Kareem and Amani's eyebrows shot up.

"Ava's mommy and daddy have to do a lot of thinking before they decide to have a baby, and then they pray to God and they come together and TT Terah has the baby in her tummy", Kareem tried to explain as simply as possible.

"So you and mama can pray and have a baby too", Ariyah continued to question, as both her parents looked at each other.

"Me and daddy don't want a baby right now sweetheart, remember when I told you we will follow God's plan", Amani spoke softly back to her.

"Okay mommy", Ariyah smiled as she got up to hug her mom before running into the theatre room to watch Moana for the third time this week.

"She asked before?"Kareem questioned Amani as she reverted her attention to him.

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