| XXXV | Hidden Potential

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*No POV*

Morro had landed in the wrong realm.

"What the hell?" he questioned when seeing himself in the Underworld once again. Alas, the choices of which realm to enter was not up to the person, but up to the crystal—he realized this a little too late. "At least... at least I got rid of him."

His head was pounding. He knew the reason why, though kept trying to suppress her attempts. When he turned around, there was a group of large spiders crawling toward him.

"You've got to be kidding me..." He lifted the bracelet in an effort to create a sword, but nothing happened. "What?"

Another excruciating pain filled his head. Aloud to nobody, he shouted, "Stop fighting me!"

The spiders started to jump at him. Morro swerved away, as that was all he could do—not even his wind powers were working.

After enough moving around, his foot tipped over the edge of the small cliff he stood on. He began to fall and landed on his back next to the ferris-wheel of fire. Both the Realm Crystal and golden bracelet slipped out of his hands as he started to see black.

"I... won't lose..."

But alas, his body refused to move. He wasn't unconscious, though he was weak. This was a sign of him losing his battle for control.

Scarlett landed another rounded kick at his face, watching Morro stumble. Her body was bruised, though the only thing that showed was her arms. She took deep breaths—she wasn't finished yet.

"You... how dare you hurt him like that."

He wiped the blood from his lip using his knuckles before shaking his head to refocus. "He was one of the obstacles in my way. Once I beat you to the point where you can't fight my possession anymore, I'll return to Ninjago and watch the Preeminent take out the rest of you."

He was more busted up in the face. Scarlett had managed to land a few jabs there, mentally cheering herself on when a light bruise formed around his eye. He heard that and returned the favor, so the red on her left cheek was from his punch.

"You underestimate my friends," she told him. Her glare was unwavering. "You underestimate me. I won't be beat this time."

"I'll hand it to you," he said with a small chuckle, standing up straight. "You Ninja really do never fucking quit. You get extra credit for still going—Lloyd could only fight me off for so long."

Scarlett clenched her fists and held them up—without powers or a weapon, they were all she had. "Shut up. For once shut your damn mouth."

"I'm serious! You really are strong, Scarlett." Morro's grin made it look like he was teasing at this point. "Soul Archer and Bansha found things out about the Dragon Flame. If I knew about it all those years ago, I would've sought you out instead of Lloyd."

"That really sucks. The power doesn't belong to you."

"That's where you're wrong... because now it does."

He held his arm out, a strong wind releasing from the palm of his hand. She made an X in front of her face and kept her feet planted in the ground, but that unfortunately couldn't stop them from sliding.

The strength of the gale knocked her off balance and she fell on her back. When she tried to lift her head up, Morro was already in front of her. He grabbed her by the shirt with one fist and easily lifted her.

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