| XX | Battle for the Sword

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   *No POV*

     When Morro was allowed entry to the final door, he walked in with ease. There, resting carefully in front of his eyes was the weapon he desired.

     "The Sword of Sanctuary."

     Upon looking into it, he saw the windows open and the Ninja burst in. He gasped, frantically looking around.

     But no one was there—not yet.

     Remembering that the sword can foresee the opponent's next move, he relaxed and instead grabbed the hilt of the blade, readying himself by pulling his mask over his face.

     And in just that moment, the Ninja burst in through the windows with a shout, not hesitating to throw their aeroblades at him. Morro had been able to predict each of these attacks just by looking at the sword and dodged them all with ease.

     Jumping back, he said, "Too late... I know your every move!" and laughed.

     Clutching his weapon tightly, Kai told him, "We'll see about that."

     Jay rushed over first, but Morro effortlessly kicked him in the ribs, making him fall over. Cole was next, but as soon as the weapons clashed, he was hurled into the windows. Kai was pushed away before he could even attack, and while Zane tried to catch him from above, the ghost merely blew him away with his wind.

     Scarlett let out a battle cry, her aeroblade on her back. She wanted to pry the sword off of him, but that easily proved to be futile.

     He grabbed her by the wrist, pinning her arm behind her back. "You're fast... but not fast enough." A kick to her back sent her right into Zane.

     Morro laughed as he ran over to the windowsill, staring at the sword again. He then jumped just as Jay and Cole's aeroblades flew in his direction.

     "I think he saw that, too..." the blue ninja mumbled.

     They all rushed to where he jumped out, doing the same and sliding down the roof. However, it wasn't too long a slide and they all stopped at the edge.

     Until Jay came and knocked them all over.

     It was a case of deja vu again, each of them grabbing onto each other. Kai, who was the last in line and swinging upside down found their adversary and pointed him out in the distance.

     "There he is!"

     "Get him!" Cole shouted.

     Jay easily swung the four and they all grabbed onto the edge of the roof, getting back on their feet and jumping off.

     Unfortunately, Morro was able to see this through the sword and waited for them to come. Once they tried to pounce on him, he just hopped off and allowed them to stack on top of each other.

     "I hate that sword!" Kai groaned.

     "Why fight?" Morro questioned with a chuckle as he turned around on the next building. "I'll win every time."

     Standing up, Scarlett glared at him. "You won't win every time. Watch us."

     "Cheap threat, coming from someone without their powers."

     This only angered her more. He took this opportunity to use his wind to blow pieces of the roof toward them.

     "Watch out!" Kai warned, all of them deflecting the pieces.

     Using Airjitzu, Morro escaped onto a golden pole, the Ninja following. They weren't too far behind.

     "Bye bye, Ninja!"

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