| IX | Airjitzu

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   *No POV*

     The Ninja rested on a rooftop, looking over the small homes in Stiix. It was dark—the perfect time to get the scroll.

     "Remember, I'm in charge," Jay recalled to the others. "We're not stealing the scroll, we're returning it to the library after we learn Airjitzu."

     "Whatever helps you sleep at night," Cole mumbled.

     "And we're Ninja! Let's keep it quiet," he then whispered.

     And in quiet shouts, they said, "Ninja-Go!"

     The team of five jumped down the rooftop, barely making a sound and in a line, with Jay being the last. He fell inside one of the homes, a woman screaming at his presence.

     After shouting a profanity at him, he climbed back out. "Let's try to be a little more quiet, shall we? Last I remember, we're Ninja."

     "Love, you're the loudest one here," Scarlett told him, proceeding to sneak her way to Ronin's shop, the boys following behind her.

     What they didn't realize was that the two ghosts had already arrived, and the archer had his arrow pointed at his face. Morro was also behind him, and it didn't take the thief too long to realize it wasn't who he thought it was.

     And the Ninja would have been able to sneak in had Kai and Jay not started an argument.

     "Do you two not realize that Ronin could hear us?" Scarlett scowled, getting on her toes and grabbing the two boys by the hood, ultimately grabbing a hold of their hair.



     Finally, Zane was the first to break the glass and they all hopped inside. Cole was beyond past stealing the scroll.

     "Great, now we're already on the hook for breaking and entering."

     "I don't like sneaking around in the dark any more than you do, so let's just find the scroll and get out of here," Kai told him.

     "Hey, when you guys were leaders, you never heard me complain," Jay whispered. "And if you don't like sneaking around, why become a Ninja"?

     He was at the vase—right where the scroll was—and instead of checking inside, he checked under and thought he was a genius. "And leave no stone unturned."

     Scarlett blinked, hearing a bit of shuffling and at first thought it was from the noisy boys around her.

     Zane asked her something, but of course, they weren't words.

     "I... I don't think Ronin's alone," she still whispered to him—really whispered.

     Her quiet footsteps led her to the doors in the back. She placed her hand on it, the wooden material cold, and shivered.

     Then, upon opening the door just a creak, she was face-to-face with the Soul Archer, as Ronin called him, and let out a scream.

     "Scarlett!" Kai cried, everyone immediately turning around.

     Soul Archer controlled a wire with his bare hands, moving it so it tied around her ankles. He then pulled it, causing her to fall on her side, to which she saw Morro and Ronin inside the room as well.

     "Morro's here, too! Find the scroll before he does!"

    The man himself then appeared, almost kicking Scarlett as he entered. "Why would they do that when I have more friends!"

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