Chapter 3: Am I Seriously Dating A Werewolf?

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Friday rolls around pretty fast and next thing Aria knows she's off of work and headed home to get ready for her date. Her excitement bursts from the seams and her much anticipated date is finally here. She's all ready to go and is waiting for him to pick her up. She's wearing a little black dress that is tight and hugs her curves. The sweetheart neckline shows a little cleavage and her teardrop necklace hangs right in the middle of her chest. Her gold heels match her gold hoops, necklace, and rings. Her hair is in a ponytail with hair wrapped around the top of the ponytail. Aria is wearing light makeup and a leather jacket when the doorbell rings. Aria rushes to get it.

Alexander stands there in a button-down shirt that is plain black, a black belt, and black slacks. His silver watch and black loafers complete the outfit. After Aria sees his slightly tousled hair and his arousing cologne her heart flutters. Alexander's eyes rake over Aria's body in that tiny black dress and he feels a rush of blood in the tip of his penis. Alexander is practically drooling over how sexy she looks.

Alexander grins, "You look ravishing". Aria counters, "You clean up pretty well yourself." Alexander is full blown smiling now. Alexander offers his hand to help her walk down the steps then continues holding it until they get to the car. He opens the door for her as she slides in then walks around the get in the driver's seat.

Alexander offers, "Would you like to play music? I'm interested to know what kind of music you listen to." Aria takes her phone and plugs it into the the AUX. "Come and Get Your Love" by Redbone starts playing and immediately they are both singing and dancing along with the music.

After a couple more great songs, they arrive at the restaurant. It's the nicest restaurant in town and Aria wonders how he could possibly get a reservation on such short notice, so she asks him. Alexander just smiles and runs around to open her car door for her. They get inside the restaurant and the couple in front are talking with the host so they wait.

"How long is the wait for a table for two?" The woman kindly inquires. He tells her there are no tables available for the rest of the night so they walk out. Aria asks Alexander, "We have a reservation right?" Alexander just smiles again and says nothing. Now she's nervous they'll be turned away.

She's not nervous anymore when the host walks up to Alexander and says "Ah! Mr. King let me get you your table. There's a family there but they are just about finished up so we'll clear the table out in just a moment, sir." With that he walks away and starts talking to a table sitting at the booth in the back corner. They all start getting up to leave and the table is instantaneously cleared off and cleaned. The host walks us over to sit down and Aria just stares at Alexander. She wonders if he comes here often, but then she remembers what the host called him. Mr. King. He can't be in charge of King Realty can he?

"Alexander, do you have any relation to King Realty?" Aria finally confronts him. Alexander grins and replies, "You finally put it together. Yes, I own King Realty." Aria just thinks to herself, he's rich that's how he got this table so fast with no reservation. If she didn't believe it before she believes now that they've ordered. He ordered half of this very expensive menu so that she can try everything that he likes there.

They talk throughout the whole meal and seem to really enjoy each other's company. They like the same music and both love to read. They both like going to plays and he told her that he'd take her to the opera because she had never been. He also wants to take her to New York to see a Broadway play because Aria's only seen live ones, here in Chicago. They both love traveling and Aria wants to take Alexander to Israel because he's never been.

Alexander is so content right now. He is making future plans with, he hopes, his future wife. He already loves her so dearly and hopes that she decides to stay with him. But there's so much more that she doesn't know about the mating process. He also doesn't know when to tell her for he fears she'll run away. It'll have to be soon though or she'll think he's hiding it from her. He'll tell her when the time comes and she can decide then he thinks to himself. He wants to postpone it to enjoy what they have now.

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