Chapter 12: Robert's Firsts

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Months fly by and Robert has had so many firsts. He opened his eyes before they left the hospital and they were a beautiful blue like Alexander's. His hair started growing in an It's curly brown like Aria's. He had his first smile. It is the warmest, sweetest smile that Aria has ever seen. She may me biased but she still thinks it's true. Alexander swears his son is the most perfect baby alive. He rolled over for the first time and has even begun crawling! This boy is so ahead in development it's crazy. He's thriving at the new early childhood development center that now has a place in the castle.

Aria decides to quit her job and work in the child development center in the castle once Robert has graduated out of the program. Otherwise she'd be snuggled up with him all day. For now, she'll keep her job while Robert stays at the center in the Infant Room. She hired the staff herself so she knows they are kind, caring, and well-trained employees. Aria takes Robert to the center so that she can go to work. Robert begins to babble in the car as Aria sings along with the radio. She likes to think that he's trying to sing along with her. So she sings a little louder and the babbling increases! Aria can't believe what a smart baby she has. Finally Aria and Robert arrive. She grabs the bag full of stuff and Robert then heads inside. She drops off Robert with extra clothes, diapers, wipes, bottles of breast milk that she pumped this morning, and his lovey, a little stuffed bear. Aria adds, "Call me if you need anything or if something happens okay! Thank you! I love you R.J.", and with that she walks out.

When Aria gets to her car she starts crying. It's the first time she and Robert have been separated. She's also still very hormonal after giving birth. She wipes her eyes and cleans up her makeup. Aria then goes to work with other people's children when all she wants is her own child. She knows the benefits of these centers though so she toughens up and heads inside to start her workday.

Alexander spends most of his day trying to figure out how to tangle with witches. He talks to Matilda all day trying to figure out a game plan. Matilda has contacted more witches who have defected from covens to come help. She even got a whole coven to assist. With all of this help Alexander feels that he can actually fight against the witches trying to take his precious Aria.

Alexander has insisted Aria take a group of guards everywhere with her when he's not around. She insists that she can take care of herself now that she has control over her magic but Alexander isn't taking any chances. Aria doesn't fight him on it because it is clearly very important to him. Alexander also set up high level security at the early child development center so that no one can harm R.J. or any of the other children. Alexander thinks about how R.J. is in the safest building in the castle and he starts to worry a bit less. The guards are leaving now to get Aria from work which means he'll see her soon. He hurriedly finishes his work and heads up to his the early child development center to pick up his son.

A minute later Alexander arrives to pick up Robert. He looks messy from the day but has the biggest smile on his face so Alexander knows he had a good day. He picks up his messy child and thanks the teachers. Alexander takes him home for dinner and a bath. Alexander takes Robert upstairs and when he walks in Aria is sitting on the sofa waiting for them. Aria runs up and kisses R.J.'s head and then she gives her husband a tender kiss on his lips.

Aria takes Robert to sit on the rocking chair in his room then begins to nurse him. Robert sits there for awhile eating to his heart's content. Before he falls asleep they quickly get Robert ready for a bath.

Aria and Alexander fill up the sink with lukewarm water. They carefully bathe their little boy and get all the mess off of him. Once he's clean they dry him softly with a towel and put him in a fresh diaper. They slip Robert into a onesie and put him down for bed. Robert falls fast asleep in minutes.

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