Chapter 2: The True Beginning

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Aria groggily opens her eyes and finds herself in an unfamiliar house lying on a brown, leather couch. The memories of what just happened hit her and she begins hyperventilating. Alexander runs into the room to comfort her but her eyes go wild with fear when she sees him. Her pheromones are also going crazy with fear and he smells it the second he's in the room. He walks out and sends Sandy in because she is always nurturing, especially to young women who remind her of my sister. Sandy and Beth were really cose.

Daisy passed away two years ago. There was a hit and run when she was in her wolf form. Alexander still thinks about Daisy and her wolf often. Her beautiful golden fur and bright greens eyes made her the most beautiful wolf. She was highly coveted by men but she was always saving herself for her mate. Alexander vowed to do the same after her death.

Aria notices Sandy walk through the door and finds herself more at ease with a feminine presence. Sandy sits down next to Aria and takes Aria's hands in hers. "Aria I need to explain some things to you. I'd like you to remain calm but I understand if you are freaking out. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes you wouldn't believe it. However, everything you saw was real. Werewolves do exist and we are a pack of werewolves. Alexander would like to be the one to tell you more, would that be alright with you?"

Aria finally felt easier having an explanation, but it was a crazy explanation. She just couldn't believe that werewolves are real. Sandy is right, though. She saw it happen and knew that this whole thing was real. So Aria says, "Okay he can come in. I won't be afraid." Next thing you know, Alexander walks in the room.

His hair is messy and he's in sweatpants and a t-shirt but Aria can feel the pull toward him. She wants him badly and right now but she also is conflicted because of what she just witnessed. Alexander walks over slowly to her and puts a hand on her shoulder. Tingles start rushing down her arm and she feels herself getting wet by just his touch. Aria has never felt this way before with anyone. No one's touch has made her feel this way. Then she looks into his eyes and sees a hint of amber and she remembers. She backs away from his touch. The hurt look on his face makes her feel guilty but she also can't stop thinking about his snarling, wolf teeth in her face.

He hands her some chamomile tea and hopes it'll help her relax a bit. He wants to make sure she feels safe around him and that will be his biggest priority until she does. "Aria I'm sorry I sprung that on you but I was afraid you wouldn't believe me if I didn't show you." Alexander begins the conversation with a soft voice. Aria replies, "Why would you need to show me? I'm just a new neighbor to you and you barely even spoke to me before."

Alexander takes a moment to really consider his response. "Do you feel an attraction toward me? Like intense, especially when I touch you?" Aria blushes immediately and looks down. "That's because of something called a mate bond. In our community mates are considered soulmates. However, the connection between mates is so much more intense than what humans feel for their partners. Do you understand?"

Aria looks confused. She says to Alexander, "How can we be mates we just met. We can't possibly love each other we don't know each other so how can we be soulmates?" Alexander just smiles at her naivety then tells her, "Mates have an instant connection. You know when you meet them. I couldn't speak to you earlier because I was so intoxicated with your scent and beauty. You were literally made for me and I finally found you." The mega watt smile that forms on his face is the most genuine smile that Aria has seen from him yet.

Aria really considers this for a moment. Will she willingly jump into this barely knowing the man? Also, knowing what he is? Can she get past that? She doesn't know if she can be fully open with him. It'll take time. And as if he read her mind he asked, "Would it be alright if I take you out on a date? We can start off slow with this I'm not asking you to jump into marriage. I know this is all new for you and I want to give you time to adjust."

Aria appreciates his thoughtfulness and agrees to go on a date with him. The two have settled on Friday at 7:30. Sandy brings in warm cookies and invites Aria to stay for dinner. Aria hesitates but eventually decides to stay for dinner and gets to know Alexander and his pack members a little better. 

Dinner is delicious and Alexander's friends are extremely nice. She tells them all about her life like her job and that she went to the University of Illinois before that. She talks about her family and friends. Aria starts to get curious though and begins asking them questions about their life and about werewolves in general. "Is It true that werewolves can only shift at the full moon? Because I saw Alexander and he shifted in broad daylight."

Alexander chuckles and replies, "No we can shift whenever we please that is just a myth." Aria is fascinated by all of this now that she has had time to digest everything. She is about to ask more questions when Sandy and Ben start cleaning up everyones dishes and walk into the kitchen. It's just her and Alexander alone now.

Alexander starts making small talk like "What's your favorite color" and easy questions to break the ice. Aria and Alexander end up falling out laughing after one of the questions and Aria touches his shoulder. The zing that goes through both of them leaves them stunned in silence for a moment. Alexander is the first to break the silence. "Want to go get ice cream?" Aria looks down at her phone. It's already 7 o'clock and she needs to feed the dogs. Aria mentions this to Alexander and he offers to drive her to her car.

Aria and Alexander pull up to Aria's black 2009 Chevy Equinox that was left parked on the border of the forest. "Thank you for dinner and for driving me I really do appreciate it." Aria tells Alexander. Alexander pauses and looks into her eyes. He really wants to kiss her. He quietly asks her if he can. Her eyes turn lustful and he immediately knows the answer is yes. They start to lean in and when his mouth meets hers sparks fly between them. Their whole bodies shake with the electricity that is flowing through each other. A low growl rises from Alexander's chest which leads Aria to open her mouth a little in shock. Alexander takes this opportunity to sweep his tongue in and taste her.

This is by far the best kiss that Alexander has ever had. She tastes sweet like honey with a hint of sage and he can't get enough. Aria is stunned, as well, by how amazing of a kisser he is. She is infatuated with him in this very moment. The both stop to take a breath and Aria remembers her dogs. Her face is red as a tomato and her lips are swollen but the smile she radiates is pure joy. "Good night" Aria whispers to Alexander. "Good night", he responds. Aria gets out of the car and walks up to the house. She looks one more time behind her to see his eyes a clear amber, then goes inside to feed her dogs.

When Aria gets up the next day she has the biggest smile on her face. Alexander was so sweet and that kiss! It's only Wednesday now but she really wants it to be Friday already. She can't wait to see him again. Could this be the man that takes her virginity? Aria is seriously considering if her well-being is okay even thinking about giving it to a werewolf. He's not just a werewolf though, he's Alexander. She thinks that he might just be the one. It's so early and she knows it's crazy but is it possible to fall in love this quickly?

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