Chapter 5: Moving To Oregon

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After a tryst in the shower at Alexander's this morning Aria and Alexander are in great spirits. The shower was magnificent. It had a light brown sandstone floor with beige limestone walls in the shower. The lighting in there was all gold rimmed and a white clawfoot bathtub stood to the left against the wall next to the shower. Off-white and brown paintings hung above the bath tub and the sink and counter were made of stone. Their bags are packed and the car is loaded up. Alexander's fellow werewolves will be driving our cars back while we take his private jet. Aria is still amazed that he has a private jet.

On the jet, there is food waiting and comfortable seating. It doesn't even seem like an airplane. Alexander and Aria spend the plane ride getting know each other better. Aria says to him, "Tell me more about your family" Alexander's expression instantly becomes somber. Alexander sighs, "I had a sister, Daisy. She was beautiful and sweet but she was involved in a hit and run in her wolf form. She didn't make it."

Aria feels terrible for asking and gives him a hug, telling him how sorry she is for his loss. Alexander returns with, "Don't worry you didn't know. It was a couple of years ago so I've had time to heal. I can tell you remind Sandy of Daisy. Me too sometimes. You both have vibrant personalities and you don't take shit from anyone, yet you're still so kind about It." Aria is in awe of this man's strength to have overcome such a difficult loss. She couldn't imagine losing her sister and her heart breaks for Alexander. She doesn't ask about his parents for fear of another sad answer. 

Aria's body starts aching all over and she looks at Alexander who knows her shift is about to start. He starts yelling at the pilot, "Land now! She's about to shift!" The plane starts descending quickly and Alexander begs Aria to hold on until they land. Fur starts growing from her body as bones crack all over her body. She moans in pain so Alexander grabs her face and quietly coaxes her through it. She seems to be doing better now that he is talking her through the shift but they still are so far from the ground. The pilot is going as fast as he can but she might not make it.

The plane's wheels finally touch the ground and the plane pulls around to a forest. Alexander carries Aria out of the plane straight into the forest. He puts her down once they are far enough in and suddenly the transformation is happening really quickly. Next thing you know she's a wolf. A beautiful black wolf with a white chest and paws. She even has little white tips on her ears. Her eyes glow yellow like the sun blazing through the bedroom window in the morning. Alexander decides to shift and join her. His all black wolf with piercing amber eyes starts to nip at Aria's wolf. Alexander wants to run around and play with Aria so they do.

Aria has never felt more alive. Her senses are heightened to the extreme and she feels like she's one with nature and Alexander. His black wolf is so stunning and handsome, my wolf howls with joy that he's ours. Alexander's wolf tackles Aria's to the ground playfully and licks her face. After playing and running for awhile they shift back and find their clothes. Aria tore through hers so Alexander gives her his shirt while he wears his jeans.

Alexander's 2020 Jeep Wrangler is waiting for them when they get back. A man that Aria hasn't met before is standing next to it holding the keys. "Took you long enough!" Ben yelled out to Alexander. Alexander walks up and gives him a hug and they both have grins on their faces. Aria walks over to Ben greets him. Ben replies, "What's up Aria? I'm really happy for you guys. It's nice to see that this guy finally found his mate."

Alexander chimes in, "About that. Since she was human and recently turned we need to get her into some classes about werewolf history and current events. I need Sandy on it when we finally get to the castle." Did he say castle? Aria can't comprehend how rich he really is sometimes.

Aria and Alexander hop into the Jeep with Ben sitting in the back and Alexander driving. As Aria hops into the passenger seat she plugs in AUX. They all start singing and dancing on the way back as Alexander looks at his girl with such loving eyes. He can't believe she's his.

They finally arrive to the town and Aria is stunned. It's colorful with cute little stores all over and restaurants with outdoor seating. They even have the cute twinkle lights. She sees boutiques with cute clothes and a bakery she will definitely be visiting soon. The deep red awnings over the stores give the town a sweet, homey feel. Aria already feels at home in this town filled with cute places to go and a lot of friendly faces.

The group finally arrives through the castle gates and they park the car around the bend. There's a circular driveway with a fountain spurting water in the center of the driveway. Beige pillars surround the beige house. The detailed awning over the door has a beautiful chocolate brown chandelier and two dark brown sconces on the walls next to the door. The door is a large, mahogany door with a gold claw in the middle to knock on the door. The castle is easily 50 feet tall, if not taller. Gold designs wrap around the castle giving the castle an elegant but modern look. It was clearly a new addition. The porch has sandstone flooring and if you keep walking to the left there's a beautiful crystal fireplace with light brown and beige outdoor seating and some lounge chairs basking in the sun.

Once they go inside Aria can't believe the beauty in front of her. The chandelier in her is made with transparent diamond and rimmed in gold. The expensive looking rug with beige tassels at the end is a deep burgundy rug with intricate gold designs. The floor is a light beige marble, the color of sand, with white streaks throughout it. Paintings of Alexander, his parents, and generations before line the walls in beautiful, brown, wooden frames with a gold plate stating each name. Sculptures placed methodically around the foyer includes busts of heads, a woman and a man in love, a wolf howling at the moon, and many more stunning pieces.

After Aria has fully taken in the room she looks to Alexander and questions, "This is our new home?" Alexander tells her sweetly, "If you want it it's yours." A smile grows wide on Aria's face as she jumps into Alexander's arms. He exclaims, "Wait until you see the bedroom!" Aria's face flushes thinking of him in the bedroom. He has a knowing smile playing on his lips as he sees her reaction. "Come on let me show you to our room." Alexander steers Aria towards the stairs towards their room.

When they get to the third floor Alexander is still explaining all of the floors to Aria. "So the first floor is the kitchen, dining area, ballroom, and meeting rooms. The second floor has the amenities. Pool, gym, spa, restaurant, we even have an early child development center I'm adding in. I'll need your help designing It of course" Aria squeals with delight at the thought of designing her own center. She might not even need her job and could just work there, she thinks to herself.

Alexander continues, "The third floor is for the Alpha, Luna, Beta, Beta's wife, Gamma, and Gamma's wife. If they have kids they will live there too. We have suites with connecting doors to the rooms next door in the event that someone has a child. The fourth floor is where the staff sleep. Any questions?" Aria nods her head no and they finally reach the third floor.

The ebony wood doors are sleek and you can tell the third floor was modernized from the original model. Aria opens the door and is breathless from the gorgeous room in front of her. The canopy bed with a white, silk comforter and pillows with gold accent pillows. There is a red throw blanket at the end of the bed made from wool. The African Blackwood bed frame had intricate designs sketched into the border and the white sheet of the canopy was a good contrast to the stark black color. A living room with black leather couches and a translucent, glass coffee table shaped like a bean sat in the middle with books sprawled across the table.

The fireplace was again made of crystal but lined in a black granite. The rug was a beautiful gold and white ombre. The TV above the fireplace was an 85 inch flatscreen mounted to the wall. The end tables are made of chrome and reflected the room. Plants and an alarm clock sat on the bedside table and the other had a family picture of Alexander, his parents, and who I presume to be his sister, Daisy. The desk along the wall, to the right of the bed, looked untouched and had nothing on it but a laptop.

"I was thinking we can put a vanity in for you instead of my desk since I mainly use my office. You can add more decorations or change anything you don't like." He looked at Aria expectantly, hoping she'd like the room.

Aria mentions, "There's only one thing I'd like to add to the room, besides the vanity that sounds amazing." Alexander glances over at her smile and wonders, "And what would you like to add?" Aria grabs her phone and Alexander and clicks on her camera app, "A picture of us!" Alexander and Aria smile for a selfie and Alexander goes to have it printed.

Aria starts unpacking when a couple of maids shoo her away, "My Luna we will unpack for you, go relax!" and they send her to the spa to relax. Aria heads for the spa on the second floor, excited for her new life to begin. 

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