Chapter 15: The Battle of Diamond Lake

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After seeing Aria and Sandy arrive back Alexander runs out and grabs them before rushing them both inside. Alexander explains to Aria, "The witches are attacking. Our reinforcements are on the way but we need to keep them back away from the town until they get here." "Let's go then." Aria calmly states. She has been practicing her fighting for months in all of her forms and she's a worthy opponent.

All three of them rush to the gates to see the witches chanting in unison. The gates fly open and a herd of wolves go in for the kill. It's madness all over. Wolves and witches are turning the entrance to this charming town and turning it into a bloody battlefield.

Wolves claw and bite at witches while they throw pure energy at wolves. Some witches are even using dark magic to kill the wolves on sight. Matilda made Aria swear to her that she'll never use dark magic. She told Aria that it darkens your soul. That's how Aria knew these witches were bad news.

Aria uses light energy to attack the witches then extends her claws to slash their throats out after they've been disoriented. She doesn't have time to feel guilty about their deaths right now. Alexander fights in human form with his dagger slashing every witch near him. He sneaks up behind a witch casting a spell on one of his wolves so he grabs her by the neck from behind and slices her throat. Aria and Alexander eventually end up back to back, a mass of witches coming for them. Whoops and hollers can be heard coming through the forest though. The witches who are here to help run forward with a war cry and start zapping the bad witches.

Chaos erupts and the coven that came to kidnap Aria know they've bitten off more than they can chew so they try to retreat. Everyone looks at Alexander for an order and he mind links the pack saying,

No surrender. Not one of them left standing.

Wolves and witches chase after the retreating witches and slaughter them one by one. Aria and Alexander took charge of their soldiers barreling towards the witches. Aria and Alexander find the head witch cowering in fear. Alexander remembers her from when he was tortured. Alexander nods at Aria and they both shift into wolves. They each take one of the witch's arms and tug. Then the same to her legs until she is completely dismembered. Every evil witch is down and the pack strides home together, Aria and Alexander hand in hand, leading the way.

When Aria and Alexander get back to their room they each go to a nursery to check on their babies. Both are fast asleep. Gabrielle stayed with them during the battle so Aria and Alexander thanked her profusely and then she went to find Ben. Aria and Alexander hop in the shower when Gabrielle leaves to wash all of the blood off and assess their wounds. Aria got zapped in the side by a witch that'll leave a big bruise, and possible broke a rib. Alexander got cut in the side by levitating daggers but his wounds are already starting to close.

Once they are done showering the couple gently wrap each other's wounds with bandages, then cozy up to one another on the couch by the fireplace. Aria exhales for what feels like the first time in a long time. She doesn't have to look over her shoulder anymore or worry that her and her children are in constant danger. Alexander doesn't want to let his guard down again even though the imminent threat is gone now. He is keeping the security detail on his children at all times until they turn 16, at least. Alexander's family is the most important thing in his life and he vows that he will always protect them.

Alexander thinks of the family he never had and then looks at this mate in his arms and feels so grateful for the family he has now. He thinks it's time to tell Aria about his family history.

"Ari, I have something I'd like to share with you. It's about my family. It's actually a lot about my family." Aria nods for him to continue. "My family wasn't a typical family. My father was a merciless man who was tough on everyone, especially my mother. He would beat my sister and I but not as bad as my mother. She tried to take all of the beatings and angry rants for us during his drunken nights. One night, after many years together, he said she was ancient and too ugly to still be his wife. He beat her to death. Soon after he found an 18 year-old willing to marry him. We don't speak any longer." Aria's eyes well up with tears. She had no idea that Alexander had such a rough childhood. She hugs him and places feather light kisses along his jaw. Then she just holds him against her, rubbing is back in circles.

Alexander feels lighter after getting that off of his chest. H felt like he aired out all of his baggage and knowing she loves him just as much, if not more for his honesty, makes him feel like the luckiest guy around.

Alexander shuts the fireplace and guides his fiancé to bed. The wedding is in a month and Alexander is ecstatic. Aria has been busy planning away so it'll all be a surprise for him. He's excited to see how it turns out. All he knows is that the ceremony will be in the garden and the reception will be in the ballroom. He's most excited to see Aria in her dress walking down the aisle. He can't wait to see how irresistible she looks.

Aria is called by the tailors to come try on the dresses for her first fitting. Aria calls Sandy, Sienna, and Gabrielle to come join. Sienna has orange juice and champagne ready to make mimosas, Gabrielle has the veil that Aria requested, and Sandy comes with a camera to take pictures of the dresses. Aria goes into the fitting room to try on the dresses. The first one she tries on is her ceremony ballgown. She absolutely loves the dress and it fits like a glove. No alterations will be necessary and she's admires how perfect her dress is in the mirror.

Aria walks out of the dressing room and her friends gasp. They can't believe how beautiful she looks. The dress is jaw-dropping and the smile on Aria's face says it all. She adores the dress. Aria beams with joy as she states, "This one's a keeper. I'm going to go try the other one on." She walks back into the dressing room, carefully takes off the dress and puts on the other one. When she walks out all eyes are on her.

Her mother's dress was made into an off the shoulder dress and it came out fantastic. This is exactly the dress that Aria drew. Aria tears up, so happy she's wearing her mother's dress. She always wanted to wear her mother's dress, with alterations of course. The way the dress turned out is even more amazing than she could've imagined.

Aria gets home and Alexander and the kids are waiting for her. Robert points at Aria and gleefully shouts, "Mama!" He is making a mess of his mashed potatoes which are all over R.J., the floor, and Alexander. Aria laughs at the mess and gives everyone a kiss hello.

After Aria and Alexander put the kids down for bed they eat some dinner, make love and fall fast asleep.

Aria wakes up in the middle of the night, flooded with deaths of those she killed on the battlefield. She's sobbing and covering her mouth so she doesn't wake Alexander, but she does.

He gets up and hugs her, understanding why she's upset right away. He knows she's never killed before and this must be traumatic for her. He tells her, "It's okay. They were bad people, you were protecting your pack." She nods and starts to calm down. Crying so much tired her out so they fell back asleep right away

The next morning when Aria checks Joy's nursery she's not there. She then runs to check Robert's nursery and he's not there. Aria goes to see where the guards are and finds them both knocked out in front of their doors. Aria can't hear anything but she's screaming at the top of her lungs. She knows her children have been kidnapped. 

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