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"(L/n), touch the last sushi roll and I'll chop off your hand." Futakuchi growled, his chopsticks hovering over the sushi in a protective manner and his cheeks stuffed full of food.

(F/n) grinned at him evilly, using her chopsticks to push his own out of the way and snatching the sushi from the plate. "No!" He exclaimed, turning to Aone with a sour expression and swollen cheeks.

"I'm gonna kill your girlfriend." Futakuchi spat out, accidntelally spitting food onto Kamasaki.

Kamasaki turned to the trembling boy with an evil glint in his eyes.

This situation seems familiar.

"Not of Kamasaki kills your first." (L/n) snickered, and Aone let out a humorous snort beside her.

Kamasaki pulled his fist back, ready to lay a punch onto the younger boy, but Aone was quick to push his hand in between them.

"Stop, enjoy your meals. Lunch ends in fifteen minutes." Aone mumbled as (L/n) whipped a piece of rice of the side of his lip with her thumb.

Kamasaki and Futakuchi watched the whole ordeal with disgusted frowns. "Get a room." Kamasaki gaged, and the boy beside him teasingly stuck his finger into his mouth to mimic throwing up.

"Your just jealous." (L/n) teased, leaning into Aone's shoulder just to egg-on the two boys.

"Ha! The only person I'm jealous of is Futakuchi's dad. Have you seen his mom, she is so ho-"

"Your asking for a knuckle sandwich." Futakuchi growled, dramatically rolling up his sleeves.

(F/n) let out a booming laugh. "Knuckle sandwich? What are you, forty?" She laughed, her eyes watering wth the sides. And suddenly Aone and Kamaski let out booming laughs to match (L/n)'s.

Futakuchi turned bright red with embarrassment. "S-Shut up!"

Aone held his stomach as he laughed, feeling his stomach begin to hurt from laughing so hard.

And when they finally had calmed down, Aone cracked up again. "Knuckle sandwich." He laughed out, wheezing and making (L/n) and Kamaski laugh once again while Futakuchi blushed a frowned.

"You guys suck." The boy grumbled, only fueling their laughing.


"Do you want to take this?" Aone asked, holding up a crappy pen (L/n) had been using since the first semester of school she had resting on her desk. "No, I'll buy some more in America, that one is almost out of ink anyways." She responded, zipping up the suit case laying across her bed.

"And Kiki, what will you do with him once you leave?"

"Well," she breathed, lacing her fingers together and sending her boyfriend a loving smile, "I was hoping you'd be able to take care of him."

Aone raised a brow bone, and a teasing smile made its way into his face. "Oh, really? And you couldn't have told me this sooner?"

"Uhh, surprise?" She laughed, opening her arms wide and waving them around.

Aone chuckled lowly, walking to her and grabbing ahold of her cheeks before pulling them towards his face and kissing her lips. "I guess I'll take our cat." He teased after pulling away and tugged on her cheeks.

"My cat." She corrected.

"Our cat."

"Alright, alright. Our cat."

(L/n) let out a short laugh, stepping away from the gaint and taking a seat on her bed. "I'm gonnna miss this..." She sighed out as Aone took a seat on her desk chair. "I'm leaving pretty soon."

"Don't think about that kind of thing now, think about that after you leave. Don't waste your thoughts." Aone frowned as he spoke, grabbing Kiki and placing him on his lap.

(L/n) mimicked his frown, glancing out her window to find that the sky had turned dark.

"Your right."

The white haired boy placed Kiki down on the floor before standing up and making his way to the bed. He held a weak smile, and adoring eyes.

"We have plenty of time before you go." He said, and it was a lie. They both knew it, they both knew that the amount of time they had left was not enough.

She raised her hand to his cheek, caressing his soft skin, and he leaned into her touch closing his eyes and relaxing. "I know." She lied, and he knew she was lying, but he wanted to believe it so he didn't say anything.

She leaned in and placed a kiss on his cheek, and he instantly caught her chin with his fingers and tilted her face up so that he could kiss her lips.

They pulled apart after a moment, leaning their foreheads against each other's.

"Are you staying the night again?" She asked.

"Mhm." He hummed, leaning his body against hers, causing her body to fall backwards onto the bed. Aone eagerly wrapped his arms around her waist and shoved his face into her chest.

"Want me to go make dinner then?"

"Mm mm." He hummed as a 'no'.

"You sure?"


"If you say so." She spoke, knowing he would change his mind in minutes.

"Actuallycanwegomakesomequickramen." He mumbled, completely muffled by her chest.


He lifted his face from her chest, taking a dramatic and deep breath, "Can we go make some quick ramen." He spoke with a fake pout. (L/n) laughed at his dramatic show, and eventually nodded her head.

"Yeah, yeah, fine."


"Damn, Aone slow down before you choke!" (L/n) snorted out, watching her boyfriend slurp up ramen like his life defended on it.

Just to tease, Aone chewed the ramen in his mouth before childishly opening his lips and showing off the chewed food to his girlfriend.

"Eww!" She laughed, launching one of her bunched up napkins at him.

The boy smiled to himself, swallowing his food and tossing (L/n)'s napkin back at her.

And he got a sudden rush of sadness as he did that.

In just a short amount of time, (F/n) wouldn't be able to cook with him anymore, and they wouldn't be able to enjoy cheap meals like this.

(F/n) wouldn't come over to his house and tease him with his mom.

(F/n) wouldn't be here.

Because, in just one week, (F/n) would be across the world in America.


Hey guys!!
Just wanted to tell you that I released a new story about Ushijima Wakatoshi, check it out if you're interested!!

Yours author,

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