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The air was fresh and a bit nippy but its wasn't necessarily cold, (L/n) liked it. On her way to the train station she had picked up two blueberry breakfast muffins, one for Aone and one for herself. She wasn't sure if he liked blueberries, but she hopped he did.

She ate her own muffin while she was walking, letting out a delighted sigh when she bit into it and was greeted by its warm texture. She wondered if Aone was cold, or if he had remembered to bring his gloves, or if he had forgotten a jacket. The girl frowned realizing she was starting to act and think like a mother.

She wasn't trying to think of him as much as she did, Aone just seemed to wander around her brain and never leave - not even for a moment.

Aone waited on the train with his finger anxiously tapping against his knees, to say he was impatient would be an understatement. His eyes scanned the faces of the passengers at every stop, even though he knew the train hadn't halted at (L/n)'s stop yet.

Just the thought of her presence made his heart beat rapidly in his chest. He liked feeling of her around him. He liked the things she did, how her ears would turn red when she blushed, or how her smile was lopsided, or how she could get along with his mother easily. He liked everything about her.

His fingers tapping against his knee suddenly became faster the more impatient he got.

Had the train rides to (L/n)'s stop always felt this incredibly long? Aone wondered how he had gone so long in his life without her, it seemed that he couldn't remember the time before she came into his life. She was simply meant to be around him.

When she finally did board the train, Aone straitened himself and tried his hardest to push back the faint smile that threatened to show. "Hey." She smiled at him and sat in her usual spot next to him, he nodded as a greeting. "I picked up these on the way." She said and pulled out the muffin she had bought earlier.

Aone gladly took it, blushing at her consideration for him.

When they got off the train, they walked side by side, hand-in-hand with violent blushes on each of their faces. "You have a game today right?" (L/n) asked him trying to get her mind of the way his thumb would rub circles on the back of her hand every now and then, it was somthing simple he always did but she adored the action.

He nodded. "Against Karasuno." He spoke out, his voice radiating excitement. She smiled at his giddiness.

"You like their team?" She asked him. He quickly nodded. "Shouyo is the wing spiker." He blurted out, his stride suddenly becoming faster. "Who's Shouyo?" She asked.

"The wing spiker." He repeated, making her let out a long sigh. There was no point in asking him anything else, the only thing he knew about Shouyo was his volleyball skills. Well it didn't matter, she'd know who this Shouyo boy was when she watched the volleyball game tonight anyways.

"You don't have morning practice do you?" (L/n) asked, looking up at the stormy clouds above them. Aone shook his head, turning to look at the cloud-gazing girl beside him. Her nose was dusted pink because of the cold weather and her cold fingers shivered against his warm ones.


"Then are you going to watch my practice?" She asked, her voice sounding faraway for some reason, probably because she was too concentrated on a cloud that resembled a frog.

"Yeah." He voiced knowing she wouldn't see him if he nodded his head.

It was quiet for a moment, and it made Aone wonder what had (L/n)'s mind so distracted. He looked up, at the clouds, the sky... he didn't see anything.

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