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School passed quickly, but volleyball practice seemed to drag on for eternity. Aone's shoulders were stiff with anxiousness and his team mates didn't miss how nearly half of the spikes shot at him slipped through his finger tips. The coach finally blew the whistle signaling the end of practice.

"It's like his mind is somewhere else." Futakuchi murmured to Kamasaki, referring ro the white haired boy across the court. "Probably thinking of (L/n) again." Kamasaki teased, cupping his hand over his mouth as if he was speaking of something top secret. "Speaking of which, I saw her in class today, and she was suspiciously giddy." Futakuchi squinted his eyes at Aone in a suspicious manner.

"Ohhoho! You think it's related?" Kamasaki asked, rubbing his hands together as if he was planning an evil plot. "Hmmm....." Futakuchi thought to himself.

Futakuchi walked towards Aone and patted his back. "Hey buddy." He grinned up at the white haired boy, who was chugging down water like a thirst crazed six year old. "I haven't talked to (L/n) in a while, how has she been?" Futakuchi's voice was condescending and sly, Kamasaki leaned over the boys shoulder to hear Aone's answer.

Aone chocked on his water, sputtering and coughing like a mad man before clearing his throat and turning to the two nosy boys. Aone shrugged, "She's the same as always." He answered, but the blush in his cheeks gave them another answer.

An answer that encouraged their teasing glares.

"Oh really?" Kamasaki teased. "Then you should invite her to karaoke with us later today." Kamaski nudged Futakuchi's side, a gesture that said "play along."

"She can't, we're busy today." Aone said sternly, telling them that he wouldn't explain himself any further.

"Aw, that's too bad." Futakuchi whined, sending a nudge back to Kamasaki's side, a gesture that said "something's definitely up."

Aone nodded curtly before turning away from the boys and rushing to the locker room.

"They're up to something." Futakuchi spoke out, using his index finger and his thumb to run the bottom of his chin like in the movies.

"No shit."

"Don't be vulgar!"

The two boys walked inside the locker room and shared a look when the noticed the top of Aone's head over the curtain in the showering stall. "That's suspicious." Kamaski said, as Aone had never showered in the lockeroom, he would usually wait till he got home.

"That's weird." Futakuchi responded as he changed into his school uniform. After finishing his shower, Aone changed into casual clothes.

"The hell?" Kamasaki gasped, Aone normally just changed back into his school uniform.

"Don't be vulgar!"

"Shut up. Why do you think he's changing?" Kamasaki asked, feeling the detective in him emerge. "I bet him and (L/n) are going to go out on a date!" He added.

"Eh?" Futakuchi asked as they watched Aone quickly leave the lockeroom, nearly stumbling over his own two feet. "Why would you think that?"

"Come on! It's obvious!" The blonde rolled his eyes as he spoke. "First of all, when Aone said she was busy today, he said 'we're busy'. And he was blushing like crazy! There's no way they're not going on a date later." He said gesturing towards the door where Aone had just walked out of.

"Your right. I didn't think they were that close already, I mean I knew they had crushed on eachother but... dating?" The brunette responded.

"D-Dating?!You really think so?!" Kamasaki gaped at his teammate, his mouth hanging open like the one of a fish.

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