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After waking up painfully late, (L/n) knew that she would be grouchy today. Even though she was extremely excited for her soccer game later, she could feel the lack of sleep from last night weighing on her mind.

She had to hurry to get ready, and almost forgot her soccer cleats, but luckily her already drunken father reminded her. "I'm leaving!" She called out from the front door. "Have a good day, kiddo!" Her dad slurred from the kitchen.

She speed-walked to the train station so that she wouldn't miss her usual train. She didn't have soccer practice in the morning today but she still wanted to see Aone so she decided that she'd just watch his practice instead.

She sat next to the white haired boy, blinking at him groggily when his hand didn't reach for hers like it normally did. She pouted and held her hand in front of his face. "Hand it over." She joked, but her voice came out raspy and rigid. Aone blushed but still grabbed ahold of her open hand.

"Are you alright?" He asked referring to her eye bags and rough vocals. "Just tired." She hummed lazily.

"I'm sorry. I should have sent you home sooner." Aone spoke with a frown. "Dont be sorry! I had fun." She smiled at him but her eyes were still only half open. (L/n) leaned closer to the boy and leaned her head onto his broad shoulder. "Do you mind?" She asked quietly.

The middle blocker could feel his heartbeat in his throat. His mouth suddenly became dry, and his mind failed to work properly.

"I d-don't mind." Aone stuttered out, his face now flushed completely red. She hadn't heard him though, she was already asleep.

The rest of the train ride was mainly quiet. (L/n) would sometimes mumble something incoherent in her sleep, and Aone would try his hardest to understand her. Truthfully, he felt like he was on cloud nine and in heaven at the same time.

When the train paused at their usual spot, Aone shook (L/n) awake, but when her eyes only opened half way, he let out a long sigh, and dragged her out of the train by their connected hands.

This time instead of releasing each others hands at the strain station, like they normally did, they allowed their fingers to cling together. Aone was too worried about (L/n)'s state to let go of her weak hand, and (L/n) was too tired to even realize.

She was quiet as they walked, which was something unusual for the chatty soccer player. Aone picked up on her sleepiness but said nothing about it.

"What time does your game start?" Aone asked. "Five." She answered curtly, her voice stern.

It almost seemed like the two teens had switched personalities.

When they arrived at school, Aone turned to (L/n) questioningly when she doesn't turn for the soccer field. "I'm going to watch your practice." She explained when she saw his confused face. Aone nodded and he could feel butterflies swarm around in his stomach. She was going to watch him.

He felt so much pride knowing that she wanted to watch him.

"You don't have practice?" He asked, and wondered how he hadn't noticed sooner. She wasn't even wearing her normal athletics clothes, this time she was in her school uniform. Seriously, how had he not noticed before?

Now that Aone was actually looking, somthing about her uniform seemed off...

He scanned her outfit quickly and realized she was missing a tie and held back a chuckle. "Where's your tie?" He asked as they continued to walk. (L/n) didn't comprehend his words until about thirty seconds later, and when she did her head snapped downward to look at her bare shirt. She now felt wide awake.

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