Thanksgiving speacial

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This story takes place four years ahead of the main story !!

College was a stressful time for the two young adults. The constant studying and working had limited the time (L/n) and Aone could spend together, so the week long Thanksgiving break was a blessing. Aside from the homework assigned to the two, they were grateful for a much needed laidback week.

The day before thanksgiving was always a favorite day of the year for (L/n). It was normally spent cooking with her almost drunken father, singing their favorite songs and cutting multiple fingers while slicing certain fruits and veggies.

This would be the first year spent away from home in the small apartment her and her boyfriend, Aone, shared.

Aone watched (l/n) with a goofy grin, he liked seeing her like this. Her hair was pulled into a impressively messy bun, her pajama pants - which were actually Aone's but she had claimed them for herself when they first moved in together - hung off her hips loosely, a pair of fluffy green socks with a snail designs on them covered her feet, and a baggy sleeping shirt - also once belonging to Aone - she shamelessly wore without bra. She hummed the tune of a song that was once popular two years ago and swayed her hips along with it.

"Aone can you hand me a wooden spatuala?" She asked, not looking up from the turkey stuffing she was determined to make perfectly.

He hummed and shifted on his feet, opening a cabinet and pulling out a spatuala.

(L/n) could feel him wrap his arms around her waist, handing her the spatula she had asked for. "Thank you." She said quietly, continuing her work on the turkey stuffing. Aone nuzzled his face into her hair, pulling her back to his chest.

(L/n) let out a whine, "Aone! Let me cook!"

"But I miss you." He mumbled into her hair. "I'm right in front of you though." She rolled her eyes and his exaggeration.

She remembered when they barely touched back in high school, or at least when they had started dating. Aone was often too shy or unfamiliar with touching, but further into their relationship she had learned that the boy was pretty cuddly.

"No. I mean in bed. Let's go back to bed." He replied. (L/n) blushed at his words, she understood he meant them innocently, but her dirty mind had filthied his words. "I'm cooking, we won't have a thanksgiving dinner tomorrow if I don't start cooking now." She said just as she had finished making the stuffing. She turned the stove off and put the stuffing aside to cool.

"But I don't want a thanksgiving dinner, I want to go to bed." He argued childishly, turning (L/n) in his arms so he could look at her face, which was dirtied by the flour used for the apple pies.

"Then go to bed." She teased, and unwrapped Aone's arms from her body. She stepped away from him and turned to check on the apple pie baking in the oven. "That's not what I meant." The white haired boy frowned.

The pie looked like it needed a few more minutes in the oven before being taken out so (L/n) closed the oven door.

"I know, silly." She smiled and turned to Aone before placing a chaste kiss on his cheek. He blushed at the action.

Even after years of being kissed and being affectionate with his girlfriend, Aone still blushed at every one of her affections. "We can go lay down in a bit, just wait a few minutes for the pie." She spoke out, hopping onto the counter top and sitting comfortably on it.

He nodded in response.

Aone stood leaning agsint the counter next to (L/n), tapping his foot on the floor impatiently. After what felt like three whole minutes, but was really only ten seconds, he let out an annoyed grunt. "How much longer?" His voice was strained and it made (L/n) blow out a humorous puff of air.

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