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This short special is not related to the main plot of the story! Also just a small note, the characters are both 8 years old for this story.

"Aone slow down!" (L/n) called out to the boy who was speed walking towards the haunted house excitedly. She could see him shake his head rapidly and pick up his pace. "Aone!" She whined, basically sprinting to the 8 year old boy.

"You need..." she panted once she caught up to him. "...to slow down." (L/n) wheezed out dramatically.

Aone stopped in his tracks when he saw his dearest friend next to him struggling to catch her breath. "We can slow down." He muttered, feeling both ashamed and embarrassed for making her run that hard.

"Thanks." (L/n) smiled brightly, grabbing ahold of the boys hand in her own small one and dragging him towards the haunted house.

The yellow raincoat she wore as a part of her costume stuck out brightly against the other children's costumes.

She remembered watching the movie "Coraline", and immediately decided she would play the main character, while Aone would dress up as Wybie. The boots Aone wore squeaked with his every step, and they fit a bit big so he would wobble every once in a while.

The haunted house the two children wanted to enter was actually only a part of their Halloween school festival, so it wouldn't be too scary for them. When they finally made it to the schools entrance, (L/n) trembled in fear at the sight of a vampire.

"I vant to suck your bloood!" The vampire, who was really their history teacher in a cape, teased, wiggling his fingers in the girls face. "Ahh! Kill it! Kill it!" (L/n) shrieked and hid behind her white haired friend.

Aone panicked as well, and out of pure instinct to protect (L/n), he brought his hand up and swiftly chopped the vampire on the side of its stomach. "Get away!" Aone shouted, wrapping his arms around his friend.

"Ow!" The vampire whined. "It's me! Mr. Park!" The vampire called, taking the false vampire teeth from his mouth.

The children were silent for a long moment.




"I can't believe you hit our teacher." (L/n) snickered, sitting in the small bench beside Aone with a hot pretzel in her hand. "You told me to..." Aone pouted, taking a piece of her pretzel. "Well you listened!" She shot back.

They sat beside eachother for a while I silence, watching kids pass by with bags of candy in their hands. "Thank you for protecting me, Aone." She whispered, playing with her fingernails.

The boy simply nodded.

After finishing her pretzel, (l/n) stood from the bench. "Come on! I wanna go to the haunted house!" She smiled when Aone abruptly stood on his feet. "Let's go." He grabbed ahold of her small hand, a thing he always did because (l/n) had a tendency to wander, and led her to the classroom labeled "Haunted house."

"I bet it's going to be super scary!" (L/n) smirked, placing her hands on her hips to make her seem confident. "I bet you'll get scared before I will, Aone!" She continued her cocky speech.

Aone rolled his eyes playfully next to her, and dragged her inside the dark classroom.

The teachers had created walls with parts of cardboard that had been painted black. The ceiling of the walls, also made of cardboard, were tall enough so that only children their age would fit, although Aone had to crane his neck downwards so his hair didn't touch the ceiling.

(L/n) felt a nervous chill run through her spine as she heard a ghastly "WoOooOOo~" noise.

"Aone," she whispered, "do you think that was a ghost?" Her voice trembled a little.

"I don't know." He responded, just as spooked as she was. They continued through cardboard walls that twisted and turned like a maze, and (l/n) became more and more scared with every step.

Aone could see the girls widened scared eyes even in the dark, and squeezed her hand comfortingly. "It'll be over soon." He whispered to her.

"Good." She whispered back. "Not because I'm scared or anything..." she added.

"BOO!" One of the teachers suddenly lifted one of the cardboard ceiling panels and popped their head inside.




"Next year, let's just go trick or treating." (L/n) frowned, still sour for being scolded by the teacher for Aone's violent chop. "I don't think I can go another year of getting yelled at." She pouted. "Okay." Aone responded. He didn't really care what they did, he just enjoyed spending time with his best friend.

"Hey, Aone?" (L/n) asked, tugging gently on his hand.


"My sister said that Coraline and Wybie are gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend when they grow up." She spoke out, staring up at Aone, who was only two inches taller than her.

"My mommy said that too." Aone responded, his cheeks becoming pink at the reference to their costumes.

"Does that mean we'll be boyfriend and girlfriend when we grow up too?" She asked, taking a chocolate from her bag and popping it into her mouth.

Aone thought for a moment.

"Yes." He said after a while.


"We'll be more than boyfriend and girlfriend, I think. I think we'll get married when we're older." He said.


"Is that okay?"

"Yeah. But if we get married you have to buy me ten chocolates."

"That's fair."


(L/n) stared at Aone with wide eyes. He balanced on one knee with a nervous grin on his face. The ten Hershey kisses chocolates he had given her just a few moments ago, rested in her open hand, each one shaking along with her fingers.

She remembered what ten chocolates meant. Ten chocolates in exchange for marriage, something stupid she had said as a child. She knew now, after dating Aone for five years that she would accept his proposal no matter what. Even if the stupid chocolates weren't provided.

"(L/n)." Aone looked up at her with sparkling eyes. She stared back, her mouth dry and her eyes starting to water with happy tears.

"Will you marry me?"


Dear amazing readers,,

Sorry to ruin the mood but I just wanted thank you so much for reading and interacting with this story! I've been reading your comments and I almost cry with all the sweet, and sometimes funny things you all say. I swear you guys are so freaking funny, like sometimes I'm hyperventilating in class because you guys comment some funny shit. I'm genuinely so happy that you guys are enjoying this story as much as I love writing it, thank you so much for the support and have a happy Halloween tomorrow !

With much love,,

Your author,, Ana <3

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