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"Thank you, Aone." (L/n) spoke as the two left the small infirmary, he nodded as a 'your welcome.'

She turned towards the exit of the school instead of the towards the soccer field like Aone thought she would. "The ref said you needed to go back." Aone spoke out walking beside her. "Don't wanna." She sassed.

"I'm going home. That stupid ref gave me a red card, so I can't play anyways." She pouted and the white haired boy watched her with a weird look.

He continued to walk beside her, her frown mirrored his.

"You played well." Aone spoke out when they began walking on the sidewalk outside the school. "Thanks." (L/n) blushed, feeling a warm tingling in her chest.

He watched her now reddened cheeks, and frowned when her sour pout made its way back onto her face."I really wanted to play some more..."

Aone didn't say anything, he just awkwardly patted her shoulder comfortingly. (L/n) smiled up at him, knowing what he was trying to do. "Thanks."

Her eyes twinkled when she looked up at his face. She wondered how the two of them had become so close in the past weeks, and wondered how easily he made her heart flutter with every one of his actions.

His hand gently slid down from her shoulder and grasped her hand that was resting by her side. He looked to the side to hold the blush that was dusting over his cheeks. (L/n) smiled when she caught a glispmse of his small smile before he turned and squeezed his hand gently, causing Aome to gulp nervously.

When they boarded the train the got stared at by elderly women who would send them knowing looks.  Again.

"I'm walking you home." Aone spoke out, not offering this time. "Eh? There's no need."

"Your injured." Aone argued, his eyes scanning over her beaten face.

"It's only a few bruises! I'll be fine."

"You could have a head injury." Aone knew that her head wasn't hurt, he just didn't want her walking home in her horrible condition. (L/n) pouted, she really didn't want him to have to meet her drunken father.

Is she was lucky, her father would still be at work since today was supposed to be his late day.

"Alright fine." (L/n) huffed out a breath of air and Aone smirked victoriously.

They both left left the train, one teen with a frown, and the other with a satisfied smile. "Just so you know, I don't live in the best neighborhood..." (L/n) admitted shyly as they left the train station. Aone glanced around and found that her words were true.

The streets were littered and dirty, and the most houses seemed to be run down and sloppy.

Aone nodded, he now understood why she never wanted him to walk her home. He didn't judge her for it, living a bad neighborhood wasn't a bad thing, and it didn't reflect on her character, but some people could be easily embarrassed by it.

As they walked past houses, (L/n) would greet a few people who were watering the grass, or playing in the front yard, or greeted her first. Aone admired that she was social, even on the street.

She stopped in front of a small white home, it seemed to be decently taken care of, excluding the the front gate that had multiple dents in it. (L/n) noticed that her fathers car wasn't parked in the driveway and let out a relived sigh. "Wanna come in for a while?" She asked and Aone quickly nodded.

She lead the white haired boy inside with a goofy grin on her face. They both took their shoes off at the door and Aone followed her further inside her home.

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