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The cold air felt like tiny needles against Aone's cheeks as he watched the snowflakes fall in front of him. His footsteps somehow felt slower, and wider. The scarf wrapped around his neck smelt like dryer sheets and laundry detergent.

Honestly Aone liked the cold weather, sometimes school would get canceled and he'd get to stay in his bed and cuddle his blankets. The middle blocker absolutely loved to be lazy every once in a while. But sadly, school wasn't cancelled today.

When he sat on the train he could feel a chill run through his body when he felt the cold seat even through his clothes. He stared at the people sitting on the train, each of them were bundled up in layers of clothing.

That was another reason Aone loved the cold weather, he was able to bundle himself up and be completely surrounded by warmth.

He recognized the familiar stop the train made and perked up, it was (L/n)'s stop. He couldn't help the blush that sneaked onto his face when he saw how adorable she looked bundled up. Instead of wearing the athletic shorts she normally wore, she was in a pair of school sweats, a light sweater, and a warm scarf bundled around her neck.

She had a deep frown on her face, her bare fingers clasped together in an attempt to warm them up. She sat beside Aone with a "hmmp."

"I usually like the cold, but this weather is ridiculous." She grouched and blew into her hands, sighing when her warm breathe began to warm her shivering fingers. "I like it." Aone responded and watched her glare at him teasingly.

"Your crazy." She mumbled under her breath, but the giant caught it. When her breathe was no longer warming enough she let out an annoyed sigh.

"Lend me your hands." She held a hand out for Aone, her tilted his hand in confusion.

"Come on, hand 'em over." She winked at her corny pun, Aone seemed to be unamused but still placed his hand within hers. A deep crimson blush took over his face so he quickly looked away.

(L/n) grabbed Aone's other hand from his side and pushed his both of his hands together, forming a bowl with them. She shoved her hands into his, smiling at the warmth his gigantic hands gave her.

Aone could feel his blush spreading to his neck at this point, and he would sneak glances at where their hands were connected, only to loose grip on his blush again.

Touch was somthing he hadn't grown comfortable with yet. Every time her finger twitched or shivered due to the cold weather he feared he had done something wrong. But he liked feeling of her soft hand in his, and they were warm too. He wondered what it would be like to hold her, and not just her hands, but quickly shut down that thought.

(L/n) new exactly what she was doing, she had planned to forget her gloves at home just so she could hold Aone's hand, and she knew she made the right choice when she saw his blush.

When her hands were warm enough she pulled them away from his, too scared that she would fry his brain if she kept them in his hands any longer. "Thank you." She yawned out, using one of her hands to cover her mouth.

Aone stared at her for a moment, he kind of... missed the way her hands felt. He reached for her hand closest to him, and tried grabbing gently, but accidentally gripped it too tightly making her jump. He quickly retracted his hand and without saying a word looked away.

Was that it? Had he pushed the like too far?

She smiled to herself at his attempt of a kind gesture and reached for the middle blockers hand. She held it firmly in her own, lacing the fingers together for him, and Aone did the same.

Aone's Romance || Aone Takanobu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now