*+*+*T E N *+*+*

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This chapter contains mature content such as sexual themes, please read at your own discretion. I will include this symbol (+*+*+) when the mature part begins and ends.

Aone waited as he sat on the train. And he waited. And he waited, but (L/n) never came. She wasn't on the train, she wasn't at her stop, and Aone had gotten off at her stop and she wasn't at the train station either.

His head whipped in every direction searching for her familiar hair, but it was nowhere in sight.

His brain forced the memory of her words from last night into his brain. Unwillingly, he remembered that she had said that she would be leaving in two months. Two months.

He had two months right...

She hadn't lied to him and left him like this already. Right?

Of course not. (L/n) wouldn't do that to him. She wouldn't just up and leave without warning, especially now that she was his girlfriend.

She just wouldn't.

He could feel anxiety building up in his chest, the thought of (L/n) doing that hurt.

He pulled out his phone and quickly texted her. After five minutes of waiting and not getting a response, his worries only increased.

Before his mind could give them permission, his feet moved, and began walking - no running towards (L/n)'s house.

Aone didn't care that he looked like a crazed man running down the street, he didn't care that he'd be late to school, or practice, he didn't care that his bag hit his leg everytime itwould move back. He cared about (L/n).

He cared that she would be leaving - or might have already left. He cared that she wasn't picking up her phone, and he cared that she wasn't at the train stop.

He was in front of her door within minutes, panting rapidly, and knocking on her front door. His cheeks were flushed from running and his fingers were shaking from the fear that she was already gone.

The door opened and Aone's eyes softened at her sight of (L/n) with red cheeks and a messy bun sitting on her head.

She opened her mouth to speak but before she could Aone wrapped his arms tightly around her shivering form, holding her head close to her chest. "Aone? What's wrong?" She asked, her voice raspy, dry, and muffled by his shirt.

"You weren't on the train." He breathed out, running his fingers along her back. "Yeah, sorry. I was going to text you but I forgot, I have a fever." She spoke out, pulling away from his body so she could look at him properly.

His eyes were scanning over her body rapidly, as if he was making sure that she was really there. She saw that his chest was rising and falling rapidly, and his cheeks were flushed red. "Did you run he-"

He grabbed ahold of her cheeks and tugged her face closer to his, placing a firm kiss on her her lips. (L/n) instantly returned the kiss, leaving her sentence to be forgotten.He pushed his tongue agsint her lips gently - timidly, as if asking for permsission to kiss her so lewdly. She returned the action, allowing their tongues to dance together, melting at the feeling.

Her lips tasted like strawberries - something Aone didn't normally like, but he could see the flavor easily becoming his favorite - but her mouth tasted of mint.

Her arms reached up and wrapped themselves aroun his neck, pulling him closer to her, and his left hand remained on her check, the thumb rubbing agsint her cheek, while his other hand slid down to her back pushing her chest to his.

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