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The white and brown cat, which (l/n) had lovingly named Kiki, purred agsint her warm warm body. Curled up next to (L/n) was where Aone wished to be, but to his dismay, a cat that he had rescued stole that pleasure from him. His sour feelings for the feline festered further and deeper inside of him as he watched (L/n) scratch behind Kiki's ear.

He almost wished that he had taken the cat in instead of (L/n), that way he wouldn't have to sit next to (L/n) on her bed and watch some animal take away the attention he wanted.

Aone wasn't one for jealousy, but at a time like this, how could he not be filled with envy?

(L/n) let out small coos everytime Kiki would whine, making Aone's frown deepen. He hated watching this.

He wasn't necessarily jealous of the cat, after all it was only a cat, but today would probably be the only time he could hold (L/n) in his arms again until the next weekend.

The cat whined again, then he stretched his fluffy white paws and leaped off the bed. "Aw! Come back..." (L/n) whined, looking longingly at the kitten who was already rubbing its side on Aone's leg.

The boy's angry frown softened upon seeing Kiki, he gently picked up the kitten and placed him on his lap. Aone scratched behind Kiki's ear, then on the top of his forehead, and then along his spine, and then under his chin, and then-

"AONEEEE!" (L/n) whined. "Give him to me!" She said, stretching her arms out from her bed.

(L/n) stared at the boy expectantly, waiting for him to hand over the white kitten, instead he shooed Kiki off his lap and scooted closer to (L/n).

"Can I hold you..." He asked shyly, fiddling with his large fingers, which suddenly became much more interesting to look at. " before?"

(L/n)'s brain crashed.

Bold Aone. Bold Aone. Bold Aone! This is love, this absolutely has to be love! She thought with a wide grin on her face.

Instead of risking her voice shaking, like she was sure it would, she nodded her head eagerly.

The volleyballl player smiled to himself, he felt cartoonish due to the intensity of his grin, there was no way he would be able to stop.

He climbed next to her, wrapping his large arms around her body and pulling her chest into his. (L/n) inhaled the soft smell of his shirt, basking in the warmth of his body.

This was definitely beyond friends, right? It had to be.

(L/n) smiled and buried her face into his neck. She was so sure this was the absolute best feeling, or maybe the best feeling was his kiss on her cheek. Maybe both were. She wasn't sure, but she did know that she wanted to be like this forever, in Aone's arms, breathing in the smell of laundry detergent on his clothes, feeling his warm hands against her back, his breath on the top of her head, his legs tangled with hers, everything. Everything was simply perfect.

The two of them were simply destined to be together. They belonged to eachother. It was that simple.

And yet, through this simplicity, she couldn't even call Aone her boyfriend.

Did she want that? Yes. She wanted to call him her's. But she didn't have the figurative balls to ask him out, and definitely not to be her boyfriend. No, no, confrontation was definitely too scary.

She was almost one hundred percent sure that if she did happen to ask him out, he would say yes, but the actual action was too embarrassing.

Would Aone ask her out instead? Maybe. He had been pretty bold lately.

Wait a minute, since when had (L/n) become such a whimp? Since when had she become the girl who needed a boy do somthing for her?

She was strong,

"Hey, Aone?" She voiced out confidently.

and confident

"Hm?" He hummed into hair snuggling his face closer to her in the process. She nearly melted at the feeling.

and... capable,

"Would you..."

oh crap, maybe not that confident.

" to go on a date..."

holy crap she was really doing this!

"...with me. A date with me."


Aone stayed still with his head buried in her hair for a long moment, trying to decide if what she said was really happening, or if his mind was playing tricks on his desperate heart.

After a moment he moved his head so that he could face her. "If not that's totally cool. Like i would understand if you think that would be awkward, so it's cool." (L/n) rushed out when she saw his star stuck expression.

"Yep. To-tall-ly cool~" She spoke out, cringing at her awkward words. "~cool as a cucumber."

Oh god, just stop talking! She scolded herself.

Aone felt a deep laugh rumbling from the back of his throat as he watched the nervous girl in his arms. This only made her blush deep red from embarrassment. He laughed for a long moment, his eyes rimming with tears, and his voice sounding like silk. (L/n) watched him with a sour pout and red cheeks.

"It's not funny." She hissed out, turning away from him to hide her hurt eyes.

Aone calmed down upon seeing her slouching shoulders, and was suddenly filled with guilt for laughing at her embarrassment. Truthfully he was overjoyed that she had asked him out, but her awkwardness was simply too cute to ignore.

"I'll go on a date with you." He finally answered, Turing away from her as well to hide his now pink face.

He could feel her shift in his arms.

"Really?!" She grabbed ahold of his cheeks and forced him to face her. "...I mean, really? That's cool." She blushed realizing how crazy she sounded the first time she spoke. Aone cracked a small smile, he was glad he was able to witness her being this dorky.

"Really." He responded.


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