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The air was cold and crisp, leaving Aone's nose red and runny. The thick jacket he wore seemed weak against the wicked winds Japan held. He grumbled something about the freezing snow melting in his hair when he had walked a few steps from his house.

He wondered how he would be able to face (l/n) knowing he kissed her cheek on Friday. It had been a full two days since the two teens had spoken, and both were too shy to reach out to the other and send a text.

Aone had concluded that (l/n) probably wasn't angry at him considering she hadn't stomped over to his house and confronted him, or even sent him an angery text. Or at least, that she wasn't angry enough to do any of that.

To say he was nervous to see her again was an understatement. The anxious feeling in his chest and stomach didn't falter, and the tingling in his fingers intensified with every step closer to the train station.

He boarded the train anxiously. Aone noticed that the train was oddly, mostly empty, only holding a few older individuals. He sat in the train for a long moment, wondering why the train seemed to be abandoned, then it hit him.

He quickly took out his phone, checking the date.


He glanced around himself, blushing from embarrassment and noticed he had even forgotten his bag.

Aone frowned, was he really that lost in thought all weekend that he thought today was a school day? He must be going absolutely insane.

The train suddenly stopped, and Aone recognized it as (l/n)'s stop. He was already up, he could simply go to (l/n)'s house... right?

He did really want to see her again...

Just as the train doors were shutting, Aone rushed out, nearly getting caught by the closing doors.

He let out a deep breath. No turning back now.

Aone had a good memory so finding his way through (l/n)'s neighborhood was fairly easy. His shoes tapped against the sidewalk with a sense of urgency, eager to get out of the freezing temperatures.

A small cry was heard from inside a snow covered bush beside Aone. He paused and waited for the noise again. When another quiet cry was heard, he crouched and reached inside the bush, his warm fingertips greeting a small bundle of fur.

A cat-like yelp sounded from the fur ball when Aone picked it up gently in his hands. A small white kitten with brown patches here and there cuddled into Aone's giant warm hands.

The poor thing was tiny, and much too skiny for the freezing wheather.

"Where's your mother?" Aone cooed to the small animal, inspecting it for a collar. It didn't have one. He turned his head to the side, looking for the mother but couldn't find one. He turned back to the shivering kitten in his hands.

He couldn't just leave it, but he couldn't take it from its mother - if it had one. So instead of leaving the kitten or taking it, he placed it gently in the pocket of his jacket and sat on the ledge of the sidewalk, waiting for its mother.

He waited a long while, an hour maybe, but still no mama cat. A deep frown seemed to be branded onto his lips. By now the kitten had stopped shivering in his jacket pocket, and was cuddled into his warm hand.

He had no choice, he'd probably have to take the small kitten to a shelter. He stood on his feet, letting out a groan when his cold bones cracked in response.

The sound of his phone ringing made him jump, along with the kitten in his pocket. He pulled his phone out and answered the call.


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