Past revealed?

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{Ren is 1 year old in this}

She was a nice person once. Kind , gentle and caring. The second lady of the family, my mother was once a person known for being as gentle quiet and calm as the breeze. She was an elgent person. But more importantly she loved me once...

The day Danial , my brother who was the son of my farther's elder brother Ruther and his wife Venessa started getting recognition as the heir candidate things changed....they changed for the worse...

you were sleeping on the bed , well not actually sleeping but had almost went to sleep under your mothers lullaby's when you heard the door open..."hello honey how was your day today?" it was your father, Arthur . You heard your mother getting up from your bed and walking towards the door where most probably was your father "I hope it was good" she continued with her usual pleasant demeanour "good...GOOD?!?" you heard your father shout as you slowly peeked open your eyes to see what was happening. Usually your father didn't bother about you and your mother but today, was going to be different. "HAH If ONLY you would have given birth to a useful kid Rather than those THINGS maybe things would actually work out well" it hurt couldn't breath because of the aura of your father suffocating the place because of his anger. "H-honey she is our child how can you call her a , a T-things?" Your mother replied saddend while she whispered the last bit. "Oh really well id like to know what a brat like her Is going to help me with. A worthy son and I might actually be able to make some use of him and turn him into a heir." Your father replied with anger overflowing in his voice not bothering to think about the child wo was now sitting up straight trying to figure out her fault. "H-honey please d-don't say that she is still our child why would you want to use her just like that?" She asked trying to persuade him... "It better be a boy WITH a good quirk next time OR ELSE..." he threatened as he walked out.

You felt something wet dripping down your face. You brought your hands up to your face as you felt tear drops rolling down from your eyes. "I-Im crying? Why am I crying?" You mumbled thinking about your feelings. You couldn't explain the pain in your heart a pain much severe from when you got hurt by bruising your knee last month , a pain you couldn't explain "H-Honey?!?" your mother wiped the tears of her face as she turned her head to look at you "How long where you up?" she questioned with a smile which couldn't ide her tears "......Heard father talk about me" You replied wondering how you should respond "Oh ren don't cry don't listen to him he was just-" "why?" You interrupted as she tried to console you "Pardon?" "Why shouldn't I listen when he said the truth?" You asked "B'but it still hurts...It hurts a lot here..." You said pointing towards your chest "Why does it hurt" You questioned not able to understand tis feeling "R-ren" Your mother stuttered through her tears. She hugged you close as she cried silent tears. "Why is he being so mean" she thought. Both of you would later yearn for a day when he would be mean......


His mean words kept on increasing a notch every once in a while . Releasing his anger and frustration on athena and you. After which your mother who was by now losing her rationality had started taking her pain out on you in belief that it was your birth that caused her misery. Later on it increased to the level that she waited for you to make mistakes so that she was able to hit you giving her a justification that she was in the right. You didn't care at this point. You were used to it. It was part of the schedule. Tho it didn't hurt much physically since you were used to it, it still stung a little mentally knowing how kind your mother once was...

The maids, and servants were a faction of the households who were almost treated as slaves with high pay. The residents they served could do anything to them unless it was bought to the attention of the elder and madame. Even the young master danial  was treating them as he saw fit. Thus when the young miss treated them with such kindness giving them a break from this hellish cycle they were always grateful. You were the kind of kid who let the maids dress you as they saw fit. Thus inclining to your preferences you dressed in mostly light clothes though dark blues and greyish shades along with some pastel colours were what you usually dressed in unlike the frequent visitor of the estate  daniels cousin .But the second miss fired your naany as well as refused to keep ladys-in-waiting under the guise that she wanted to take care of you just to hide the scars you received. Only months after your constant beatings and changes in appearence did the maid finally get to know about your scars when one of the maids without the knowledge of the second lady gave you a bath. They saw your bruises as she ran to the head maid. "M-miss what happened why are you in this condition?" The head maid asked "Nothing miss martha, Im fine" You said with a small saddening smile on your face in hopes to reassure them, You didn't want to be a bother to them too. "M-miss you!" The maids held their mouths with tears in their eyes seeing such a young child holding a smile so sad . As the time passed by the butler and the servants eventually found out about you without the xanders knowing. The rumors spread to the mansion like fire. Most beleiving it as they saw your sad smile. As things proceeded you a kid who liked to wear light had her preferences extremed. Instead of wearing your plain dresses you started wearing plain white open and non decorated dresses with no frills while keeping your hair open or lightly tied. Nobody minded this but they did when they saw your eyes and your sad smile reassuring them. The rumors spread through all the servants, maids and even the kitchen.

"did you hear they hurt the miss again." The maid asked worried

"yea this is so saad" the cleaner agreed while nodding her head

"have you seen her she looks different now" another maid added

"I feel so sorry for her-" the maid said

"Who are you feeling sad for ?" The elder of the clan Anastacius or addressed as clan elder asked

"please answer you shall not be punished.." The madam of the house "Clara" reassured. The maids well known about their kind attitude towards their own people bowed their heads as the maid in question answered "It's the young miss..." She was waiting for a reply "Ren? What happened with her?" Madam questioned again wanting to know how a child had caught the attention of the usually "Work appealing" servants of the mansion."u-um I do not know if this is alright for the elder to hear from a mere servant like me. I am in no position." "Its-" he sighed when his wife held his arm remembering he that he couldn't proceed them from reffusing their status even tho they were grateful. "fine I will be asking martha, And Sebastian about it. Thankyou for your hard work" He stated as he left for his study....

Martha and Sebastian cooper were a married couple working as the head maid and family butler of the xanders. They were a couple close to their 60's yet had all the clan rules and rituals carved in their memories. {SFX:knock knock} "Yes come in" "Iam in front of the clan elder and clan madam , greetings elder and madame " They both greeted simultaneously as they entered the study. "What work do you have for us elder?" Martha asked seemingly as Anastacius called them . "Well we overheard a conversation amongst the maids and it was something about....Ren" The both flinched while keeping their heads still in a bow "Seeing as you flinch It seems you two know something we don't..?' The madame probed them into answering." is...." Martha proceeded

"WHAT?!?!" The madame shouted clearly angry. "Such a thing has been happening here and we had no idea of it?!?!" The madame continued. "clara wait a second" Anastacius held his wifes hand ashe turned to the two aids "How long have you known and how long has this been going on for?" He asked clearly concerned. "We found out this month but seeing her bruises and scars I think its been going on for longer but she refuses to confess and answer any questions. Maybe its because she is afraid." Marth answered "Afraid? That kid was never afraid of anything" Clara fumed.

"You both can leave now thankyou for your help" Anatsaius said "Also please ask ren to come here"

"Yes sir" they bowed their heads and left


So this was the second part. Hope you enjoyed also during this chapter ren or you is 1 so yea its superficial how these things are happening and yes they sound dumb so please please bear with me..... thankyou

Your author


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