Her commands

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* Haah * * Haah * * Haah * * Haah * .....

"Finally here" I huffed as I reached the door of the storage room I slept in the last night. Gladly the door was closed meaning mother hadn't come here yet. I finally had some time to look around at my surroundings. The halls looked similar to Xanderite halls with occassionaly artifacts and decorations here and there on the walls and shelves which were covered in dust showing that this was a less visited area. The room had a metallic door quite unusual to the age as it was rusted at the hinge and littered few carvings which looked like they had no particular meaning. Realizing that mother could be coming anytime now I entered the room as I closed the huge rusted door behind which fortunately didn't make a sound.

I walked towards the boxes at the side of the room and hid the bouquet in one of the boxes hoping nothing happens to the flowers. Though I liked them and wanted to keep them with me they were also an evidence of my meeting with them, which also was evidence that I had gone outside the room which was a big enough violation as is of mother's orders and receiving a gift and making connections would just make her even angrier which was something I would like to avoid after yesterday's beatings. Though I knew what to expect my body was still stinging due to the whipping from yesterday, which I was surprisingly not able to ignore right now, maybe the reduction in adrenaline was the cause? . I walked towards the full-sized window, confident that the flowers were outside view as I rested my back at the wall beside it, slowly sliding down as I sat and made myself comfortable, still taking in deep breaths. I just noticed a scent, quite a refreshing one filling the room. I looked around finding one of the upper windows were open letting in the cool, fresh morning air as I looked outside 'now I know why it was so cold yesterday night'. I checked my wounds thanking the gods that the wounds hadn't opened even after all that reckless running through the halls. I hung my head back taking in all the events that had happened just in the past few hours. As I fantasized about finally making friends with the new people and slowly slept into dream -world I received a sharp awakening as I heard a loud Creeeeaak ... BANG!! echoing through the almost empty storage room as I saw the huge metal rusted metal door opened with a lot of force fluttering dust everywhere.

I sat up with a jolt realizing that mother had come for me. It could also be one of her maids but I was sure that Mother wouldn't want a lot of people to know about this incident as she well knew that word would spread. Sure enough I saw the image of my a few maids following my mother who had a furious expression, only later realizing that the expression on her face was actually red signal.

"Get up BRAT!!" She yelled a she held me by the scruff of my collar. After a few seconds and waving off all traces of sleep from my head she let go and walked out indicating me to follow her.

 [Ok so this is another chapter. Also a thing I wanted to hint in the previous chapter was about Ren or y/n's personality. so umm.. it is shown in the previous chapter that she waits for her cousins to turn around the corner after which her expressions darkens and she runs. so this indicates that since a young age she had a habit of hiding from others and solving problems by herself. Now this would have a lot of impact in the story latter on as this aspect of her personality might also create other issues, thought processes, and perspectives to situation. so hopefully you guys could pay some notice to that. also I might not be posting images as often because it kinda delays my uploads as it is hard to find and appropriate pic in relation to the chapter I am writing and the vibe I wanna share. ]

yes that's for this chapter

hopefully you guys liked it

see you soon freaks

Your author 


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