Her commands - 2

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 After what seemed like a few moments which were needed for mother to regain her composure, she let go of me as I slipped to the ground trying not to cough in hopes of not making her angry, though I knew that slapping me around a few [this was intentional] would make her truly happy I refrained from doing that now because, having to smile while holding out the pain might reveal the wounds.

She walked out of the dusty room as her maids followed her. Seeing this as a sign I walked behind them, trying not to make any noise. We kept walking for a few, we reached my mother's room, which upon her orders was right beside my "Allocated room" which I wasn't sure if mother would allow to be used. She went inside her room and sat down on the small chair probably made of the same wood as the maple-wood dressing mirror in front of it which had extravagant yet detailed carvings on it, the strong scents of the maple wood furniture, freshly put-up wallpapers / paint and [the so unlike her yet] thickly applied perfume and make up scents mixing up and filling the room all at once making it almost nauseating.

She looked at me through the mirror as a maid removed her accessories "Leave for your room, ... and you better be wearing an appropriate outfit for a girl. Knowing you, you would make a joke of me in front of everyone with the indignant and unwomanly way you dress in. Get it?" she said in voice full of threaten as she glared at me, the reflection of her eyes in the mirror still showing her anger. I bowed my head "Yes mother" I said with an emotion devoid of smiles just as she liked.

She returned her attention to her reflection as I slowly walked out of the room, the maids the closing the door for me.

I walked inside the room locking the room behind me. I looked around the room. With floral wallpapers, pale white walls, and carved wooden furniture the room was quite similar to and Xanderite, but a much ancient version. The room had a musky and woody smell which was quite pleasant after the nauseating experience in mother. Since I knew dressing up mother would take a while for the maids, I removed my sneakers and unpacked my "Luggage" which was a few shirts and pants with two pairs of shoes a "womanly" one as well as my favourite pair of sneakers and the "MOST" [ emphasis on most] "comfortable" dresses I could find with a few namesake accessories. Since there were no maids here I could gladly were whatever I wanted without any compulsions which bout a sense of relief.

You dressed in an ankle length-ed dressed with well-hidden yet messy half ponytail. You opened your luggage looking for an accessory that would be the least heavy and would also fill in with the empty look I preferred. I rummaged around the suitcase and found something, a headpiece to be precise. I stared at it for quite some-time my mouth drying up as a gut-wrenching feeling built up in me. But pulled my mind back to reality as I felt something wet one my cheeks. I brought my hand to my cheeks feeling tears. Tears? Why?

Is this sadness? The still novel [new] feeling was quite a strange and hard to hide. More than anything it hurt the most, more than the feeling when my favourite stack of cards fell down as I was stacking them [ referring to anger]. It was only a few rare times that I felt this way, the most remembered day being the day father hurting mother in front of me.

I wiped the tears of my face as I picked up the jewellery in my hands. A gift. The most important one. From the most important person. A mere headpiece, which was not made from any expensive jewels but with [ rose quartz, aquamarine, opal, calcite choose]. Not quite the accessory that was "womanly" but more treasured to me than anything else. A gift, from mum, A gift she made with me in Navales. 'Would mother get angry if I wear it?' I thought seeing as she hated any mention of past incidents. I got up and walked to the mirror.

I shook my head 'She might not but its mum's gift' I said determined. I smoothed out my hair as I felt the familiar weight on my head. Dusting off the wrinkles on my dress I gave a last look in the mirror finding any mistakes in my look that might make mother angry.

 Dusting off the wrinkles on my dress I gave a last look in the mirror finding any mistakes in my look that might make mother angry

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[Reference / change the Colour or design if you want]

As I turned towards the door I heard a knock. "Have you changed?" I heard a voice of a woman asking. I walked faster towards the door as I opened the door with some difficulty. Seeing my head the person held the door open as I walked beneath their arms behind them. It was one of mother's maids. She closed the door as she turned around and started walking toward mother's room with me following her.

She opened the door as I saw mother standing up in front of the mirror adjusting her hair

She was wearing a [colour /design] gown with her head tied up in a fancy bun with several accessories. She shifted to the side as she saw me through the reflection. She turned around as she looked at my dress. * sigh * she frowned "At least this looks presentable – "she stopped as she looked at my head. I noticed and clenched my hands together which were behind my back.

"W-what is that?" She said in disgust "A gift my mother gave me. She didn't like it that I referred to her as my mother.

Her face had a different expression, one which I had never seen before but seemed similar. 'What is it..., F-fear?' I said seeing as the expression was so familiar to when father used to come to our room.

"Don't show me your face throughout the meal." She said abruptly as she walked out. The maids right behind her as I ran behind them to keep up to their pace.

Ok so here once again in the second chapter [ it think?] Ren or Y/N is a kid who was not exposed to quite a lot of emotions . The frequent changes in her environment blocked that out as she started seeing her mother change . So this is also her exploring her emotions. Also if some of you would have noticed this is the first chapter where there is a change of terms with which Athena    [ Ren's mother] is being referred to as Which shall be explained in a extra chapter which will come out soon.

So yea that was it for this one. I finally got out a long chapter.

Hope to see ya'll soon

Your Author 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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