Meeting with new people part 2

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No relevent intro pics this tiiime.... so have a sho meme :) 



" U-um yes ... why " I asked hesitantly "Thank god I was finding reason to ask unnie to stay" she cooed as she came forward and hugged my arm 'I'm sorry what?'

"Your our cousin!?! The boy said with a gleeful voice as his sister clung on to my arm with a shining smile. I was puzzled as I remembered.

"Kazumi and Yamado have two children – Athena and Akari" ...

"Akari had two children Ichika and Ryou while Athena has you and Noah" ...

"Oh yes I remember grand aunt told me about you guys. I was looking forward to meeting you guys" I said relieved that I finally figured out who they were.

"Us too, as we mentioned we were looking for flowers for unnie!" The Ichika prompted

The boy must have noticed me not knowing how to respond as he said "Please don't mind her, we've actually been the only kids of our age here and I have a few classes more than her so she's been quite excited to meet you" Ryou said

"Its ok I don't mind its just that I don't know how to react to this because I also haven't been with anyone my age so..." I turned to Ichika "I am sorry"

"Unnie its fine please don't be this way and anyways we cannot waste our time like this. While you're here we need to play as much as possible !" The girl said excited. I nodded as I hesitated in voicing my thoughts

"Hey do you want to say something?" Ryou asked looking at my face. "U-um if its ok with you is there a shorter name I can call you by?" I asked the girl "Ichika is kind of long , Like ryou is a lot smaller name ..." "That's fine unnie but what would be my nickname?"

I paused for a second as I thought about it "So.. I-C-H-I-K-A , if we divide the word we get Ichi and Ika

SO... since im not good at these which one do you choose?" I asked not exactly sure if these were good suggestions "Ika!! I like that you can call me that from now on unnie..." I nodded

"Now if your not doing anything can we walk for some time noona?" Ryou asked as ika nodded in agreement waiting for my answer "Well I have some time before mother will ask for me so sure." I said as Ika squelled with joy whose reason I couldn't understand.

"I have a question for you both" I said as we walked through the path

"Yes..." Ryou said promting me to ask

"Why do you call me unnie and noona because I know those are Korean terms and I don't know their need in our talk" I asked waiting for an answer. "Well its because our dads a Korean so we are more familiar with Korean ..." Ryou started "And when aunt Sakura told us about your arrival she told us that you are older to us." Ika interrupted "Basically unnie and noona are terms used for people who are older to the speaker." Ryou added. "Oh ok so it seems you guys are younger to me?" I asked puzzled because of their uses of speech and intellect which was on par with the kids with xanderite abilities. "Yes and it seems your confused because of our speech which can cope with yours right?" Ryou asked reading my face

I nodded waiting for an answer. "Well it because of our dads quirk." Ika said "Ill tell you more if you come to visit us tomorrow!!" I smiled at her request "sure ill come tomorrow to hear your story" I replied hoping that mother won't notice my absence "YESS!!" Ika yelled while her brother snickered behind her. We turned around walking towards the balcony while Ika was talking about how she decided on the flowers that they wanted to give me... I looked back quite a few times curious to know what was at the end of the path wanting to find out but decided against it because I was away from the room for so long.

As we were walking.... "unnie please stop here for a second lease" ika said as she walked towards the bushes beside the path. "are you its here?" ryou asked following behind her seeming to know what she was doing. "Yes I am suure its here, I remember because of the ribbon I left on the tree" she said pointing towards a branch on the tree in front of her as she started searching for something in the bushes


Ok so this was quite small compared to the other chapters but I actually was making the chapter but it was taking a lot of time to edit and clear out so uploaded the part that was already edited. 

hope you liked it...

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