The gift to be remembered

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Again don't have a proper pic so have some meme [BTW  iT be tRuE dOu] ^^^]


*After a few minutes of heavy searching...*

"Yes I found it!" I heard Ika yell as she picked up something from the bush that looked like a basket. She ran towards me swinging the basket in her and as Ryou followed her with a satisfied smile. I started walking towards them to close the distance as she reached me.

"This is for you Unnie!" We made this together and wanted it to be fancier but we met you earlier than expected, " Ika said with a right glow in her eyes..." She said as she searched through the basket

"it's a bit shabby because its our first time but we hope that you like it! Ryou continued with a smile as he helped ika take out the thing she was searching for. I waited in anticipation, for what they were going to give me. "Here's our gift unnie! Ika said as she handed me a bunch of pale blue colored flowers wrapped with a almost transparent laced cloth

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Somewhere along these lines

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Somewhere along these lines

Seeing someone gifting me something after such a log time made me happy. But I was hesitant about accepting the pretty gift which was also going to be an attraction for insects.

I was cut through my thoughts as Ika called out

"And you know the coolest thing ~ ? "

I looked at her my puzzlement clearly showing at my face

"We asked for grandaunt's help and she gave us a perfume to put on it!"

"It helps keep the flowers fresh when it's plucked for a long time and even keeps bugs away. Grandaunt Sakura is awesome." Ryou added with admiration clearly shinning in his eyes.

"We were searching for more pretty flowers and leaves to put in it but, we got into trouble" Ika said shyly as she remembered the incident of our meeting.

"This more than I ever thought I could get from someone so it fine "I said mesmerized by the beauty of the flowers in my hand. I felt the gaze of ryou as I looked up "Why would it be more than your expectation?" ryou asked clearly puzzled. "Aren't you from a well-off family too?" He asked looking at me. The two sibling who were facing me were quite for a while. I took a step closer towards ryou as I ruffled his hair "Ryou sometimes wealth doesn't define how many people like you." I said with a reassuring smile. His expression darkened and knowing that I told too much I decided to lighten up the mood as we started walking. After a few minutes of a seemingly silent walk with me holding the bouquet I held it in one of my arms as I took out a single flower. I held the bouquet between my right arm and body as I used my free fingers to bend the stem and tie a knot. I stopped as I knelt down before ika as I placed my hand infront of her. "May I m'lady " I said asking for her hand . she seemed surprised as she placed her hand forward. I put the newly made ring on her finger as I looked up "I don't have anything to give you guys as of today but I will give you both a gift soon."

Ika looked at me gleefully as she hinted me to standup "We will be waiting I hope you don't brek your promise" ryou said with a pleasant smile.

A walk for few minutes and we had already reached the balcony. Me and ryou raced up the stairs as ika followed us causing us both to lie down and huff for a few minutes. After the giggling ended we entered the hall.

"So we will be heading to Grandaunt's now" Ryou said

"Ok I need to go to my room too" I smiled and said dusting of the back of my clothes

"Bye Unnie" Ika said as she turned around walking back alongside her brother.

I waved as I waited for the two of them to turn the corner as I turned around and bolted towards the storage room. My grim expression returning to its usual place as my jaw hurt from smiling so much in such a long time. It wasn't that my happiness with them was fake. It wasn't. But now my mind was busy praying that my mum wasn't searching for me yet.


Ok so I have another short one because of the same reasons and its my vacation so I might not upload idk...

So yea hehehe

Hope you liked it

See you in the next one 

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