Meetings with new people

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"Have a seat" The woman mentioned as she sat down on a the armchair against the window. As she was facing me the light behind her made it hard to see the surroundings. I entered the room as I closed the door behind me. I took in the surroundings as I walked the short distance from, the door towards the seating area . It was quite different than the other rooms them being decorated with several accessories almost making it similar to XANDERITE while this room was more inclined towards my mothers old quarters. I sat down on the chair in front of the woman waiting for her to start "Well we seem to have some time so... lets start with your wounds..." Her expression darkened "Why do you have so many scars ?" The woman asked "because I got punished...?"[please don't make this weird..] The woman flinched as she regained her composure "W-why did you get punished?" she asked "Um because I was rude to you three yesterday" I answered as if it was obvious . "when were you rude ?" she asked sounding genuinely puzzled "when I talked back to you?" I answered "HOW WAS THAT EVEN-" she regained her composure as she sighed and continued.

"Anyways Ren first do you have any questions about this place?" She asked with a smile. I hesitated "U-um I don't know any of you three so if it isn't too much can you introduce me to everyone.." I looked up as this was the first time in a loong time I was able to talk freely "Sure ... " She answered to my question. 

" The oldest one , His name is Yamado , The other mans name is Yoshida , while my name is Sakura . Yamado is married to Sister Kazumi who has a lineage of a Greek/Latin family who moved to japan several years ago , Yoshida is married to Sister Ayame Who came from Harashi " 

'isn't that the failing business company- I wondered'

 My thoughts were interrupted by the woman as she continued "Kazumi and Yamado have two children – Athena and Akari ; Yoshida and Ayame have two children Anami who is married and Yuto who has left this clan"

'He left the clan? why-'

 "Akari had two children Ichika and Ryou while Athena has you and Noah"

 She ended probing me for any questions 

I wondered if I should before I asked "Why don't you talk about yourself miss?" She seemed surprised before she nodded with a smile as she said "I am the youngest of the three siblings , as you must have noticed I am quite different to the other two have Hayato attributes " she asked she continued as I nodded "Well our mother was from a clan called MALUM which was known for quirks related to devil features including horns wings tales and other features . "Though I have the ability to hide my tail the horns still remain and so do my inhumane strength which can be more than quirks " "Woow" I covered my mouth- "Its ok its normal that you're awed" She chuckled "I was married to Raye , Raye Mitsuo but I divorced and now I have a daughter named Emiko." She ended with a smile. I felt bitter when I heard the  term frequently used in my family - divorce .

 I shook those feelings off as I started "Understood so you are my grandaunt " I thought quite happy that I was finally introduced to my mothers family "Yes Ren and I am quite a bit curious about my grand-niece she said with a oft smile...... "I hope you come again tommorow and we can talk again" "Yes" I nodded my head as I walked out.

I walked through the empty yet bright halls, looking at the scenery outside through the windows, I came across a balcony , With white marble tiles and a well designed railing preparing an opening to the peaceful scenery outside. The wind blew my hair of my face as I looked along the path between the trees and greenery. I noticed a circular flight of stairs leading to the fields below me. I felt the small carvings on the railings of the stairs as I thought about visiting the fields . My curiosity got the best of me as I found my self slide down the railing to the end of the flight of the stairs. I jumped of it as I started walking along the path deeper and deeper into the fields filled with trees. With several fruit trees and bushes and shrubs of several flowers the path was filled with several leaves, flowers and ranches of various kinds , The diversity coming together with an unity that wasn't visible and yet added to the beauty of the scenery. The Trees looked way different this way compared to the view seen from the balcony which was almost on par with the height of these trees. Because of their smaller heights and much accessible branches the trees would be much easier to climb compared to the way higher trees in Navales to which these wouldn't be able to even hold a torch up to.

I walked further into the woods searching for the most dense tree on which I could rest without being hit by sunlight. *RUSTLE* I heard the leaves rustle causing me to stop and looked around for a few seconds before deciding to continue my search. As I walked a few marbles fell in front of me. Surprised I went to look at it. I paused as the marbles rolled in my hands I took one in my right hand as I threw it a few inches away at the edge of the tree hitting a branch "Sorry for the discourtesy to whoever the stranger that wants to follow me is. Conversing is far easier when people are comfortable with each other, Please reveal yourself" I said still wary of this person.

The leaves rustled as I saw the figure of a child peek out from the trees. "Sorry for following you without introduction" I saw a boy who jumped down from the branch he was sitting on. "Me and my sister were playing here looking for flowers for our cousin but she was to scared to come down and I am not able to help her. Could you please help me out with convincing her to come down ?" The boy asked . Feeling bad for the girl I answered "Please guide me to your sister." I asked remaining civil as I still didn't know anything about this kid. "Yes thankyou for your help" he smiled as I he walked deeper into the woods.

"Here she is" He said pointing towards a branch in the trees. I nodded "Please step back" I asked the boy . He hesitantly agreed as I took a few steps back. I jumped onto the tree fixing my left leg in a crack in the trunk . Using the branches as support I climbed up to the branch the kid was on. I held her as I looked up to her face "Hold on M-lady " She wrapped her hands onto my shoulders as I jumped down. "Are you ok m-lady" I asked "Y-yes Unnie thankyou" I nodded "You were soo cool Unnie" She cooed suddenly coming close to me with starry eyes which were too bright for me to handle. "I apoligize for her manners" The brother said as he pulled the girl towards him "Its fine" I said bothered by her impression of me which caused her to look at me with that blinding brightness rather than her words.

Looking at both of them beside each other they had very similar features. Cotton pink hair with purple eyes which looed like they held the depths of the world. The girl had her hair tied back up in a ponytail while the boy had his hair braided down with back ribbons. 

"I am ryou while this is my sister Ichika, I could have Picked her up but she refused to let go of the branch because she was scared , Thankyou for your help"

"I am ryou while this is my sister Ichika, I could have Picked her up but she refused to let go of the branch because she was scared , Thankyou for your help"

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"Yes thankyou Unnie" He said as he bowed while the girl looked at me

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"Yes thankyou Unnie" He said as he bowed while the girl looked at me . I nodded as I looked at the girl trying to read what she wanted of me. They looked eager to know my name. The girl was way to bright for me to refuse "Its Ren" I said as I looked away.



So yes this was another chapter... Hope you enjoyed... please give your reviews in the comments...

see you in the next one

Your Author 


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