Series of events...

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here noah is about to be 1 and we'll be assuming that he is in a stage where he is slowly trying to say words also that he is able to lightly Lightly able to crawl and ignore the ears in the above picture cause that comes later...


Meletius was a series of teachings or classes conducted for and in the Xander's clan . It was conducted currently by grandfathers right hand man Claude Fellet. He was soon going to officially take over the business under grandfather. Which meant that he would be supervising the Xander businesses under the elder. The Meletius exam was open to the heirs at any age as long as they can pass the entrance exam. Usually it was at 3 or 4 but since I had decided to show my father that I could be useful to him too I was preparing to take it in the next month . Though physical tests were only conducted after studying in Meletius after a year they made up to it in the entrance exam. They were definately hard hence you started going to the library everyday to read books constantly and hence had very little time to take care of Noah.

It was the same schedule everyday. Wake up at 6 get ready eat breakfast meet noah at 8 study till evening food. Take tests from 7 to 9 in the evening and then sleep.

Without you knowing the day of the exam came. You were taking the exam with danial your brother who was a year older to you. Thus you took your test at 2 and half while he took it at 3 and half approx. obviously. As you wore your shirt with a red checked cardigan with jeans and tied your sneakers you felt yourself remembering ..... remembering things you ignored and didn't find significant

"No matter what she does she still can't be the heir" father said

"Why are you trying do you want to embaress me more?!?" mother said

"You're never going to pass why are you event doing it?" I remembered Danial's words

'but they are right I am still so young I won't be able to' I thought saddened .

I heard a plop behind me and started searching for the source. "Chi-Chi?" I aksed when I realised that it was Chi-Chi who made that sound. As I saw him I thought about something I had decided when I was starting to prepare for the exam . "Well its not like it's a big deal I am just trying even if I fail its not like it's a big deal....." yea it wasn't a big deal nor was their any compulsion to pass the first time. I cheered up internally as I ran out the door feeling thankful for chi-chi and planning on how to reward him with more food. As I reached the stairs I sat on the railing and slided down stairs straight 3 floors. I stopped and started walking to the examination hall when you saw danial walking in with his servants. When he noticed me he smirked most probably seeing that I had no servants. I smiled and nodded at the servants behind danial while they bowed their heads slightly. Danial must have mistaken me for greeting him as he proudly turned around and walked towards the hall.

I was nervous as I waited for sir claude to distribute the papers. I started thinking about chi-chi and noah to calm myself . I remembered all the wishes I got from the maids and servants who wanted me to pass. I took a deep breathe and calmed down. "I will be distributing the papers now and ren please tell your answers to me I will be writing them down" sir claude said "Yes sir" I said with a nervous smile.

"Phew finally over, I hope I said the right answers." I muttered . "ugh-" I was shocked as I was pushed by danial. "Watch where you're going" he smirked as he walked past me. I ignored him and walked towards my room..... I sat on the couch in the living room took of my shoes as I walked towards my room and opened the door I walked in and closed the door behind me as I jumped on to the bed "HAAAH meeting Noah can wait I need to sleep now" I muttered as I dozed off to sleep.

At the same time in the elder study:


....... " But sir no matter how you look at its still questionable how she passed with such good marks...." He said. "Sir mark, sir claude himself has supervised the test. Are you questioning his abilities?" Anastacius asked. Questioning the elders right hand man would never end up well. "N-No elder just think that its not possible for a GIRL who is so YOUNG to answer all those question and get a 99% score." He answered nervously. Hearing this made the elder livid "Sir mark" Clara glowered making sir claude and sir mark flinch "MAY I ASK WHY YOU EMPHASISED ON REN BEING A GIRL?" After everything that had been happening to you the madame had gotten way sensitive to such differentiations. "U-um no m-madam you must have mistaken me-" "Sir Mark Ren got in with her own abilities . So since there is no age or gender boundaries for meletius as long as the child in question passes they can attend. Thus your opinion wouldn't matter here." Sir Claude said . He was quite interested in teaching a child who was able to pass such an exam at such a young age. "B-but—" "sir mark their isn't any room for question here. This is a matter related to the clan which is my duty to supervise. Do you have any more doubts about my choices?"Anastacius asked supporting his wife "N-no sir" he said "I will be taking my leave then?" he ask as he bowed his head and walked out clenching his fist as he sighed frustatedly at the thought of the child in question.....

Sir mark or mark thomas was one of the vassals or families under the xanders clan. Tho he showed utmost loyalty to the xanders on the outside but there were many secrets behind his greedy self.

Two days later:

I was veeerrry excited. I was finally going to meet my mothers family. Danial had already met with his since he was young and so I was usually was very curious as to how it would feel to meet mine since he boasted about it so much. My mother athena was from a hero family called the "Hayatos"

They were a family of heroes with elementalistic quirks which could be used as a combination. But for many years the family was kind off dormant. And there popularity decreased. This was because the heirs were failing to fully use all the abilities which earlier was inheritable but slowly started to need effort to bring forth. All hayatos have white hair and white eyes until they go through the process of "development". This took a lot of effort and the more dominant your hair colour became {which is not only decided by your hair colour but mostly the amount of your hair being coloured} The more powerful you were. Every heir had a debut in media but that started becoming rare as even the public started to find out what was happening with their quirks.

Me mother and 6 month old noah were going to go to the hayato mansion and come back in a few weeks because grandfather had said to return by then for an important announcement......

After a short lasted drive in our long car that daniel called a limousine? we arrived at the xander airport which didn't exactly classify as one cause it was waay smaller but it had a few private planes nevertheless. I went into a plane for the first time in my life and it was soooo exciting! it was very big and it was in the shape of a big white bird! I though about how I would be able to fly in the sky !! so coooooool....

We started walking towards the plane as I saw the door being opened as there were stairs being attached to the door to allow us to enter. I saw our escort walk towards the entrance of the stairs as he raised his hand to escort mother towards the door of the plane. I trotted behind her taking in all the sights of the plane as this was my first time seeing one. I was already amazed at the plane itself but the interiors were far more amazing. It was as if there was a mini room inside the plane! It was decorated with lights and it there were a few people who I think would e serving us too. This was soo Cool!! "Wooow" I muttered as I followed my mother "Be quiet" MY mother said as she glared at me. I nodded as I kept quite and continued to look around. I came up to my mother as she sat down on her seat "Tsk take him he will start crying otherwise and stay away from me and sit somewhere else. I want absolute silence if anything happens.... " she threatened ."Yes mother" I bowed as I sat at my seat with noah . Soon the flight took off.


So yea this was the 4 chapter. and yes these couldn't possibly be the thoughts of a 2 year old but please bear with me... and the development of noah is also being weird but please bear with me thankyou

Hope you enjoyed

Your Author


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