The hayatos

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The info about the people at the top will come in the next chapter or o so please wait also add on the features mentioned in the stories, Thankyou { black=names, red=order of age}

Soon enough we landed . The ride was sadly kinda weird and I was feeling kind of nauseous but it was good anyways. The view from that height was so beautifffuuuul!

! Mother woke up about 15 minutes before the flight landed so she was being cleaned up [sorta] by the attendents .

AS soon as the plane landed the servants started getting our baggage while the the attendents opened the door. The escort for mom was waiting at the end of the staircase . I was holding noah but was having kind off a hard time since I got up after ging through my first flight so mother's maid offered to hold him . I agreed as I walked off the stairs behind mother. We walked through the airport entrance as we saw another long car. I entered after mother as I sat down farthest to her the maid sat Noah beside me as she sat at the very end of the car.

"Ma'am we will be starting off to the hayato estate" the driver called out to my mother as he started the car.

"Ma'am we will be starting off to the hayato estate" the driver called out to my mother as he started the car

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It was quite smaller than our mansion. but big nevertheless compared to all the normal homes that we saw on our way to the estate. As we entered the estate there were several maids and servants assembled at the entrance along with a maid and butler who by how they dresses looked like the head maid and butler.

"we welcome the miss and the young masters " [ yes its intentional] My smiled dropped as I realised that I wasn't addressed. I felt sad but I didn't say anything as I didn't want to make mother angry. The maid bend me holding noah had a sad expression on her face that I didn't notice while mum started looking at me looking kind of pleased by my expression as he turned back towards the assembly of servants before us "Ok ok good rise" she said as she commanded them to rise "U-uh sorry miss we didn't receive any information of a Y-young miss . We apoligize for the discourtesy-" "Don't worry there its not a big deal" Mother interfered. Normally this would look like a kind gesture but seeing my mothers mocking face it was clear that it wasn't. I guess it is since I gave the exam even tho mother disagreed and told me not to create another obstacle for noah......

"Then w-we will lead you to the room of the heads and leader." The butler said as he bowed.

The nervous head maid and butler along with the servants followed us thinking weather this was a test as they felt a little bad for the young miss. I looked back as I gave them a reassuring smile saying that I was fine and they didn't need to worry. The nodded as I looked ahead. Soon we came across a big door which seemed like the meeting hall. As we entered I saw two Men and a Woman who The one who looked looked almost as old as grandfather  had white hair with greyish fades on his hair with fading platinum eyes , while the other man had white hair with red fades with fading orange eyes , The woman who looked younger than the others and my grandmother had pitch black dark hair with horns along with bright Aumbre eyes which almost glowed being quite odd for her Hayato origin. The oldest of them was at a slightly higher seat than the other two while another man was standing at the end "Hello father, Aunt Sakura and Uncle Yoshida." My mother said as she bowed. I didn't know how to greet them so..." Greetings elders." I didn't want to seem informal so I used a general term. "Excellent manners! What is your name kid? "The woman who was called Sakura asked "Ren, Ren Xander" I replied boldly looking into her eyes which caused her to flinch "What's wrong?" The oldest asked "N-nothing" as she turned to me "You're quite bold aren't you?" I was confused "I didn't do anything wrong I don't have anything to be scared of, if you wanted to harm me or kill me you could have done that already couldn't you?" I answered Firmly as I asked. "The elders were quite surprised "Mind your manners brat" Mother threatened "I told the truth mother?" I asked in a low "You! - "Stop" the woman called out "I like the kid she's quite a good one" The woman said as the youngest of the elders looked away uninterested I focused on the lady "How long are you here for?" "A few weeks" mother replied. "Is your kid with you?" The oldest asked. "Isn't she her kid?" The woman asked "She?" He looked at me as he turned back to her  "There is another "He said with an expression I couldn't quiet understand "Ooo what is the kids name?" she asked "Noha? - "Mother replied questioning her own answer "Its noah" I answered looking at the woman. She nervously fidgeted as mother glared at me "O-oh nice name..." the woman said trying said trying to change the topic "how old is he?" "About to be a year old" I said as I saw my mother looking at me. "Oh.....has he started talking?" She flinched at her dumb question "A bit" I replied "H-how?!?!" The youngest finally talked "Well its in the xander blood for early development but I had already started with full sentences by then , so he is a bit slow as his sentences are a bit broken but its ok he'll learn" I looked away and smiled as I remembered my brother while i returned to my usual expression when I saw my mother glare at me as i understood that she didn't want me to look better than him . My mother was getting annoyed that I was getting the attention of the elders as she wanted it for noah but she knew that according to position xanders were way stronger than hayatos so {also since you were a heir candidate now you as a position holder had a tad bit more power than her and} hence" kept quite.

"s-so it's true?" The man smiled nervously probably thinking about what I had said. "Umm...what?" I asked "The fact that you guys have extra abilities? " he aksed with an weird expression

" I mean that is the only way "DEVILS" like you can succeed anyways" he continued

"Pardon my intrusion but what do you mean by "DEVILS" ? " I asked partially getting annoyed because I knew that the xanders were at a higher position than the hayatos. "It was a general term why kid?" The man asked in a low voice while realease a kind of aura maybe thinking that I would be intimidated "I stopped with the small bow as I looked into his eyes as I said "I though that general terms weren't supposed to be used for authorities especially bad ones ...or was I wrong?" I asked in a faked innocent questioning tone as I looked at him. I saw him sweat "So? What is a kid like you going to do about it?" he asked tauntingly "Hey stop it-" The woman started as I interrupted "Kid? You must be mistaking because ..." I walked closer towards them as I glared at him "I AM A XANDER" I threatened

I felt the atmosphere around me getting more and more stuffed which I realised was because I was by mistake releasing my aura but that wasn't important "AND WE HAVE MORE POWER THAN YOU AND ACCORDING TO YOUR LOGIC TECHNICALLY THIS CLAN WOULDN'T HAVE EXISTED IF WEREN'T FOR YOUR "INHERITED" QUIRKS AM I RIGHT? " I glowered " just because we have better abilities that doesn't mean we are devils, I hope this is remebered" I said in my usual voice. I looked at the other elders as I started again "My mother is tired after her trip so please allow her to retire I aid as I bowed slightly to the woman and the older man . "S-sure we'll call for you both again" I nodded as my mother ho was glaring at me bowed and walked before me out of the door as I followed. I didn't bother to look behind as I thought what would happen to me after we exited the room.....

~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------ ~~~~~

So yeah I finally told why you / Ren have thoughts and features higher than you age..                            Also the reason why you snapped was because you take pride in your Xander blood.

So yea that's it for this one , hope you enjoyed

Your author


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